Chapter Seventeen - "Your place or mine?"

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(Natalie's POV)

"Harry?" Katie said. "Could you bring us some napkins?"

"Sure, be right back." he answered and went off.

Shit! How stupid can I honestly be?! That's got to be Harry!

"It was great meeting you all but I better get go back to my mom." I told them all and Katie chuckled.

"You sure?" Eleanor asked me.

"Yeah, i'll see you all later." I smiled then turned around to leave. I can't see Harry, I can't deal with him right now.

I walked over to my grandma; "Hey, where's mom?"

"Chatting up some business people."

"Oh okay." I answered and sat next to grandma. "Give me a pina colada please?" I asked the bartender.

"How is it?"

"It's pretty good." I answered.


"What? You don't like your pina colada?" my grandma asked me.

"My purse, I left it back there." I explained. "Be right back."

(Harry's POV)

"Hey, who was that?" I asked placing the napkins on the table, sitting next to Katie.

"Just some loser chick without a date." Katie laughed.

"She's not a loser Katie, she was actually pretty cool." Eleanor said.

"Yeah, I think it was sweet of her bringing her grandma." Jane added smiling.

"I agree." Danielle said also.

"Me and Perrie are gonna hit the dance floor." Zayn said as they both stood up and left.

"Come on El, let's go shake it." Louis said grabbing Eleanor's hand, joining Zayn and Perrie.

Soon enough it was just me and Katie on the table.

"Harry? What do you say we ditch this place and make a party of our own?" she offered.

"What?" I acted like I didn't hear anything.

"Your place or mine?" she asked, insisting.

"Let's get a drink." I told her. "Here." I told her handing her purse.

"That's not mine." Katie told me, taking the purse herself.

"There it is, thanks." A girl said grabbing the purse from Katie's hand. "I knew I left it here."

"Hey." I smiled at Natalie. Wow, I can't believe she's here right now. "Wow, you look....fantastic."

"Yeah, so do you." she smiled quickly.

"You know her?" Katie asked me.

"Yeah, we-"

"Buisiness, promoting and stuff. That's how we know each other." Natalie told her.

"Wanna dance?" I offered.

"But you and I were going to dance!" Katie whined.

"Maybe later." she nodded and left.

(Natalie's POV)

Shit! Why did it have to be her holding my purse?!

This is what happens when I leave stuff everywhere! I should be more organized!!

In fact if I would've left the bag that had my book inside in my room where it belonged I never would've been trapped in that office and I never would've met him!

But...I don't know. Meeting him wasn't bad at all.

I actually found out that just because he has fame doesn't mean he's a douche or has a huge ego, Harry's just himself. He's funny, sweet, sarcastic, cheeky, amazing, charming...he's a good human being with feelings and emotions just like everyone else.

Oh dear Lord what is wrong with me? I really like him that much?

 I walked over to my grandma, whom was sitting on the stool where I left her.


"Oh good you found it." she smiled. "So who was that hunk you were talking to?" she asked rising her eyebrows.

"Just a guy. He had my purse and stuff." I replied.

"Okay, whatever you say." she stood up from her chair. "Now lets party."


"Don't be a weenie." she told me, locking her arms with mine as we headed to the dance floor. "Wait a second, I have a great idea." she said smiling, squinting her eyes.

Oh God, what is she up to now??

My grandma walked over to the DJ and told them something.

After she talked to the DJ she came back to me with a huge smile on her face.


"What did you tell him?" I asked her as we walked closer to the dance floor.

"Remember the dance grandpa and I taught you? And we danced in Christmas Eve, do you remember that?"


"We're doing the hustle." she said happily.

"But nobody knows the hustle anymore!"

"Live a little, don't be a weenie."

"I'm not a weenie." I told her.

"So you are going to let your old grandma dance by herself? Leaving her alone so she'll fall and fall and fall and fall and fall an-

"Okay fine!" I told her so she'd stop talking. "Let's do the hustle."

After the song finished the DJ spoke.

"Hey everybody! Hope y'all having a good time. Now we're going to try something different. Let's do the hustle!"

Everyone looks so confused right now.

Most of the people on the dance floor, young people, walked away and sat down while others stayed on the dance floor.

Older people came in the dance floor as well. I'm the only person under 50 in the dance floor, which makes this embarrassing and hysterical.

Oh God, please let me not make an idiot out of myself.

And the music began to play.



The video on the right is how grandma and Nat are gonna dance. Check it out lol XD

I hope you guys liked this chappie, and I decided to make this story 20 chapter long, maybe 22 but it depends.

Please vote and comment! Do you wanna hustle ? ;)

Tell me what you like least about Katie down on the comments!

This chapter is dedicated to:


@jenniferstyles_10  for first comment!!

Shoutout to: @Swiss1D4ever & @NALREFIE !!! Hi!!

Oh and i'm taking my drivers test tomorrow!! Hopefully i'll pass!!

Love you all!! -IveXx  \(o.o )/

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