Stayed Standing

18 1 0

I chose to forget, there was no point in letting longing pierce my clenched fists any longer when you let it slip away so easily.

Now you want to peel away at my scabs until they bleed again.

They need you, what is wrong with you, you're horrible, you're abandoning them.

The ice cold water burns my chest.

And they get to sit back.

Make her feel bad, why doesn't she want me anymore, she's cold now, a bitch, she doesn't care about us.

that's all they do.

And people cheer them on, oh they did such a great job.

No, fuck you.

I did a great fucking job, fuck you, I kept it together this whole time, no I did not break once.

Good for them they are no longer collapsing, but hey no one cared that I stayed standing.

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