Bedroom Window

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I love windows.

I wish I could wake up next to my childhood bedroom window again.

I wish I could sit beside it and smoke cigarettes like the degenerate I am.

I love windows.

I love the possibility behind each one.

I love the snow on the windowsill, I still open them, let that ice cold gust of air blow it in.

I love the sound of rain against the glass, the smell of dewy grass.

I love the sun peaking through the tree right beside my bubble, I love windows.

I love possibilities behind protection.

I love romanticized everything.

I love the smell of my mom smoking; I love the sound of her on the phone with the whistle of trees in the background.

I love the chatter by my apartment window, people walking with loved ones to the coffee shop next door.

I love streetlights flickering and the random smell of weed, warm wind, cold, I love finally breathing fresh air.

I love windows
I love possibilities
I miss my old window
I'm learning to love my new window
I miss the sun and the cold
I'm learning to love both
I love all the windows that have seen me grow
I love romanticizing them
whether I smoke there
listen to music
or just watch
that's enough
I just love windows.

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