Just Hold On

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It's easy to feel so far away.

When bed sheets seem to suffocate you and everything begins to feel out of place.

You start to drift away, let each wave drown your brain,
you can't find yourself through the haze.

Everything feels like too much to face.

The aching in your heart has traveled to your bones and veins.

But maybe it's okay to break every once in a while in your own ways.

Let your mind and body give out, so you can really feel the weight.

Maybe we should face the things that keep us treading in restlessness and leave us in pain.

Perhaps you need to fall apart to learn how to put yourself back together.

You need to know the pieces of your heart, you can't always depend on everything and everyone else to solve the puzzle you are.

It's okay to be there for yourself, to hold yourself so you can stand where you once fell.

It's okay to heal, darling, you can't live without yourself.

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