Don't Let This Ruin Me

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It was right then when I started to become callous.

I know the moment, the feeling I had, it felt like something inside me finally broke and my vision was clear, I saw everything sitting right there.

I have become the very person I fear.

I was no longer holding my breathe in anticipation because nothing seemed to matter, everything became clear.

And honestly it was perplexing, but I felt like I could finally lift myself up without aching.

Except I want to feel, I want things to blur into intense stigmas and colorblind glances.

I don't want to disappear into what everything truly is because it's bitter here.

I need to find a balance between knots in my stomach and holding myself together but I'm not sure I can manipulate insanity.

It's inside of me and it's urging to consume me, please someone save me.

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