I am my Own Destroyer

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My soul keeps screaming from within,
it wants me to stop killing who it is.

It wants me to stop drowning it in empty mistakes and distractions from the pain.

It begs to nurtured,
it begs to be saved,
but no matter what I do I can't seem to find the source of its ache.

I shove my hands inside my wounds forcing them to grow wider just for my heart to beat louder,
because I'm so afraid it'll stop soon and there will be nothing left to loose.

I wish pain wasn't the only thing that I could truly feel,
because what happens when you break your own heart too many times?

I guess I'm figuring it out.

Maybe my brain is the reasons this keeps happening,
perhaps I am my own destroyer,
the toxic loop of "this is the only way" that I swear by everyday,
numb me from the pain,
I will never be the same.

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