Water Lungs

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I swear you're going to break me. 

Because every time you speak my heart burns.

This isn't my fault you see, it all started with a simple melody. 

Well actually it was rather chaotic and intense but that couldn't have anything to do with us, could it? 

It isn't my fault it progressed into I love you. 

And if I smile at one more thing you say like I'm in some dumb sappy love story I'll rip my own lungs out so you never get to. 

Every time the lights dim you devour my brain and I don't want to drive you away but I can't act like you're not a fixation that I crave. 

I just hope you see the way I love you, to the point where my heart aches and the room spins because it's a lot to take in.

Because now days each cigarette I smoke is about you and the fear of not wanting to hurt anyone or to change us. 

But I'm suffocating and I won't survive if I wait too long. 

PurityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora