The Creator

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Red seeps from my chest, twinging its way across the floor.

It filled the room and he stood at the door, red, it glowed.

Floating, turn it green again, for me please.

Even blue will do, he tip toes in, careful not to get burned.

Get a fucking grip.

He pulls me in, his hand flowing lilac veins and lets the red disintegrate between us.

I swear he came from my dreams of ivory vines and fogged up glass, a puzzling grin, freckles dancing on his skin, I gazed up at him.

He was beautiful, a masterpiece, like he was made just for me, the way his eyes consume my soul, he is extraordinary.

Like his feet were grown from the soil of the Earth, attached, you could never get him to his knees, and he held me.

His heavy finger tips traveling my skin, as if I was so delicate, only to him.

Teaching me that I was never difficult to love, even when I am, that I can only ever be human.

But no, he made me feel more than human as if I were divine nature and he was the creator, so astonishing, towering above everything.

And he watches, as I find peace in the safety of his presence, and I can finally feel harmony.

We never stop growing, I am so proud of him for staying steady.

You wouldn't think he was such a gentle being, grounded, he soothed me.

Let him rest on my chest, there is no war here, my honey.

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