Rude Awakenings of Veins, Despair, And Fresh Air

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I'm still here,
with veins running down my eyes and against my delicate wrists, and yes I could snap them with a single twist,
but I haven't.

And I'll be honest, sometimes when the sky is dark and the world seems a little more quiet, I find it hard to deny this weight inside.

But as soon as I open a window I won't feel this crushing despair of time and patience for what's right.

Although I know as soon as I shut my bedroom door and the silence holds much more than before I'll feel it once more.

Except these rude awakenings are what have created me and I can't ignore the things they say to me.

I can't continue to pull each vein to feel control anymore so I'll fight the storms to breathe once more.

PurityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora