01.) Don't walk here again.

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Siphiwokuhle's POV

"Samkelo if you are not out of this house in two minutes I'm leaving you, you shall see how you will get to school. Angidlali nawe namhlanje." I say. (I'm not playing with you today.) "Mama I'm almost done." he shouts and i roll my eyes. Why is his routine longer than mine? Okay that's a lie I just so happened to finish early today hence I'm complaining.

The one time where i could beat my record of getting to work on time it won't be fulfilled because he loves taking his own sweet time. "Ngiyahamba two minutes is up." I shout and he comes out of his room carrying his school shoes. (I'm leaving.) "We can leave now woman." he says and i roll my eyes.

We get out of the apartment and get inside the car. I bring the ignition to life and switch on the heater. "Why is your car making that sound?" asks Samkelo. "The power steering needs to be fixed." I answer. "What is that now?" "Something to do with the steering I guess." He chuckles. "Where did I get you again?" We chuckle.

"I'm the one that has to ask you that question cause I made you." I say and he gags. "No need to traumatize me." he says. "Eew child get your head out of the gutter it's too early for such." We chuckle. I reverse the car out of the parking space and drive to school.

I get to his school and park the car in the parking space and he wears his shoes and fixes up his hair. "Do I look okay mama?" he asks. "Yeah you fine." I answer. "I'm not dirty." "I don't think a person who's routine takes as long as yours would be dirty." He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "That's true. Let me love you and leave you."

"Bye my boy I love you." I say. "I love you too mama." He gives me a side hug and i kiss his cheek and he groans. "Woman this is the last time I address this issue. Do not kiss my cheek I'm too old for such." "No you still a newborn so I'll continue kissing your cheek till the day I die." "Gross." I roll my eyes and we chuckle. "Hamba ke." (Go then.)

He takes his bag and leaves. I watch him walk to school and i sigh and drive off to work. I see my petrol is about to finish so I pass by the garage to refill the petrol. The petrol attendant comes to me and i roll down my window and ask for petrol worth R500. Thank goodness I have a small car so that R500 goes a long way.

Lord knows how expensive this crap is. I check how many litres it is and i sigh. I don't know why I keep looking at it cause I break my own heart by doing so. I pay for it and drive to work. I get to work and at least I'm earlier than I usually am. I'm sure my boss will be shocked to see me here at this time.

I take my bags and lock my car and get inside. I greet Thandi, the receptionist and she smiles and waves back. "Uright love love?" she asks. (Are you okay?) "I'm okay wena love." I answer. "I'm good just a little bit tired." "That's what groove does to you." She chuckles. "You should try it it's nice." "No thanks I'm good." We chuckle.

"Well stay home and be lonely and not have fun in life." she says and i roll my eyes. "No need for you to be dramatic and anyways that life is nice. People revolt me." I say and she laughs. "Do I revolt you?" "Few are an exception." She smiles. "I know that's right." We chuckle. "Let me go and impress my boss with my early skills." I air quote early and we chuckle.

I walk to the elevator and press the top floor. Someone asks me to hold the lift and i do and he gets inside. "Unjani sphalaphala?" asks Mbuso. (How are you beautiful?) "I'm good and you." I answer. "I'm good too. So when are you going to give me your numbers?" I roll my eyes and sigh. "Mbuso find someone else to bother and leave me alone."

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