17.) Peace in the family.

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Zamokuhle's POV

"You don't look happy to go back home." says Zipho and i chuckle. "You know how it's like when i visit here so I'm never going to get excited or be happy to go home." I say. "I know and i understand I'm just glad that babomkhulu will be there so at least you have someone you get along with." "Mmm. But I'm not there to tolerate nonsense." He chuckles.

"And I'm with you on that one." he says and we chuckle. "You going to help me in a fight right?" I ask and he chuckles. "No baba let Jesus fight for you and don't take matters into your own hands." I laugh. "But what if they test or push me over the edge." "I am not involved." I chuckle.

"I must have taken the wrong child at the hospital because I know my own child would jump if his dad gets into a fight." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Ungathi uthathe umntwana owrong ngifana nawe kanjena." he says and we laugh. (How can you say you took the wrong child when we look alike.) "It is possible." "Wow baba." We chuckle.

We pass by the garage and fill up the tank. I can't believe they forcing me to come home now I'm forced to pour a full tank for this trip. The reason better be worth it. "Do you want any snacks?" I ask. "Please." I give him a R200 note and send him to the shop. He comes back ten minutes later with a plastic filled to the brim with snacks.

I doubt this one has some change left. He gets inside and gives me R20. "Udle imali engaga Zipho?" I ask. (You spent so much money?) "Baba awungitshelanga ukuthi kune limit uvele wathi ngiyothenga oncancme." he says. (Dad you didn't tell me that there is a limit you just said to buy snacks.) This child loves spending money.

"Sihamba sizibona lana emhlabeni." I mumble and he laughs. (To go is to see.) "Ngiyadlala baba i-change iR70." he says and takes out the R50 handing it to me. (I'm joking dad the change is R70.) "You almost gave me a fright. What's up with you playing with me like that." "It's nice to ruffle up your feathers a bit don't you think."

"The day I catch you Ziphozonke uzokhala." I say and he chuckles. (you will cry.) "I would like to see you try baba." he says. We continue with our drive to Mpumalanga and we get home at around 16:00. I park the car in the yard and there are several cars here too. I guess this might be serious. I get out of the car and stretch myself.

Driving for over four hours straight with no break is not for the week. "Are we taking the bags?" asks Zipho. "No leave them here we will take them later when we go to our rondavel." I answer and he nods. He closes the door and i lock the car. My dad's side of the family originates from Mpumalanga and some moved to Joburg and built a family there.

I wouldn't say they are wealthy but they are well off because they have managed to extend the home and build rondavels for each male. We hardly come together because most of the time the family gatherings end in curse words. Omunye ubiza omunye ngomthakathi. (They are calling each other witches.)

Siblings are jealous of each other some choose to work with this one to gang up on that one. It's a lot so that's why I avoid them. My mother is just as toxic as them probably why she is loved here. My dad and grandmother were more of the peaceful ones but when they died all that peacefulness went down the drain. We go inside the main house and there is loud chattering coming from the living room.

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