05.) Shift focus.

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Zamokuhle's POV

The transport hoots signalling it's arrival. He puts a spoonful of cornflakes in his mouth before he takes his bag and lunch bag. "Bye dad." says Zipho. "Bye. Ube nelanga elihle esikolweni." I say. (Have a good day at school.) "Thank you, you have a great day at work." I smile and we do our father and son handshake. "Did you take the keys?" He nods. "Sharp. I love you." "Bye. I love you too."

I watch him walk out and i peak through the window to make sure it's actually his transport picking him up. I see him enter and it drives off. I finish the last bit of my toast and put the bowl and saucer in the sink. I rinse the dishes and leave them on the dish rack to dry.

I hear my transport hoot and i take my lunch bag and small bag. I take the keys off the key rack and leave without forgetting to lock the door. I open the gate and close it and get inside the car. I greet the gents inside and it drives off. "Unjani?" asks Sisanda. (How are you?) "Ngiyaphila wena mfwethu." I answer. (I'm good and you brother.)

"Nami ngiyaphila ukuthi ngikhathele." he says and i shake my head in disapprovement. This is becoming a habit and it's not healthy at all. (I'm good too it's just that I'm tired.) "That's what happens when you groove to 'numb' the pain and not have fun." says Treyvon and we hum in agreement. "I groove to have fun not to numb the pain." "Yeah right we believe you Sisanda." says Mandlenkosi.

"Naba phezu kwami ekuseni nagangaga." says Sisanda. (Why are you guys on my case so early in the morning.) "We are not on your case we are just highlighting your wrongs. What kind of friends would we be if we sit back and watch you drown in your sorrows and spend the last cent of your money instead of saving it for real emergencies." Your daughter might get sick and you won't have the money to take her to the doctor."

"I don't need to be lectured by you guys early in the morning I know what I'm doing with my own money. Can i just rest for two minutes before my day starts." says Sisanda. "Drowning in your sorrows won't fix anything neither will it bring her back she is gone and it's time you accept it. You messed up Sisanda by doing the things you did. Did you honestly think she would keep waiting for you?" I ask.

"Zamokuhle and friends please just stop it's too early for this nonsense." says Sisanda. "Sikuyekile mfwethu kodwa hlala uwazi ukuthi lento oyiyenzayo ayilunganga." I say and he sighs. (We leaving you brother but always know that what you are doing is not right at all.) "We are just trying to be there for you and highlight your mistakes so you can learn." says Mandlenkosi.

"Ngiyakuzwa." says Sisanda and we sigh. (I hear you.) I doubt he heard us. "How was your weekend?" asks Treyvon. He is always the one to lighten an intense atmosphere and knows how to diffuse a burning situation real quick. We all balance each other out here. "You know the same old spending time with Zipho nothing much." I answer. "How is he?" asks Mandlenkosi.

"Uright yena still being the sarcastic child he is and his doing well at school and isn't getting into trouble so that's all that matters." I say. (He is okay.) "He should continue prioritizing school so that he can have a brighter and more successful future." says Sisanda. "That's what I want. I don't want him to end up like me working as a construction worker or worse a junkie." We chuckle.

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