13.) First impressions.

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Siphiwokuhle's POV

Zamokuhle🤭: I'll call you later. My friends are being pests here.
Me:🤣🤣. You have zero chill you know that.
Zamokuhle🤭: The people I call friends have zero chill cause why are they disturbing our time together.
Me: I know hey🤣. They are very jealous.
Zamokuhle🤭: I mean I would be too.
Me: 🤣🤣. You bore me shem.

Zamokuhle🤭: I can never bore you as your man.
Me: Okay sthandwa if you say so. (love.)
Zamokuhle🤭: I can't wait to hear you call me that.
Me: Its only over text.
Zamokuhle🤭: Ungazodlala ngami Siphiwokuhle. (Don't play with me Siphiwokuhle.)
Me: I'm joking sthandwa sami I'll call you that everyday. (my love.)
Zamokuhle🤭: As you should.

Me: 🙄I'll stop I don't mind.
Zamokuhle🤭: Don't play with me Ma Zungu some of us have fragile hearts.
Me: Shame tell your heart to be stronger.
Zamokuhle🤭: Give me money and it will for you.
Me: I'm too broke for such.
Zamokuhle🤭: Its fine it shall find a way to be strong for you.
Me: 🤣🤣. Let me leave you before your friends take the phone.

Zamokuhle🤭: Avail yourself at 21:00.
Me: Okay I will.
Zamokuhle🤭: Enjoy the rest of your day at work mkam❤ (wife.)
Me: Nawe myeni wami❤ (my husband.) I switch off my phone and giggle. I can't believe I said that. The things we do when we are high on feelings. I chuckle.

I love how he checks up on me when he has time. It makes me feel special and it shows that I'm on his mind. I'm interested to see where this thing between us goes but I have a feeling it will go far. He doesn't look like the type to play around and to be honest I have feelings for him. I had time to myself to think and i do. It's not just liking his looks it goes beyond that.

The phone call that we had yesterday was amazing. We talked for four hours and the call ended because I fell asleep. Let's thank Telkom for creating minutes otherwise it wouldn't have lasted that long. We talked about anything and everything and we got to know each other more. From the little time I have spent with him my feelings have started growing.

I also like the pace of our relationship. I can't believe I'm in a relationship it's kind of surreal saying it out loud. He claimed me before he took me out on a date so I can't say his my friend. I don't want to rush things for example introducing our kids to each other. I know some people introduce their kids to their partners early in the relationship and i don't want that.

I want to be sure that he is a good man. I also have to make sure he is a present father in his own child's life. I can't expect a deadbeat to play father with my child yet he isn't taking care of his own child. Blood comes first. I also wouldn't date a man that does not respect the mother of his child. I don't mean they should be friendly by touching just be respectful and civil towards each other.

He also has to accept my child. Me and Samkelo come as a package. If you don't accept Samkelo that means you aren't accepting me. I will also accept the child he has from his previous relationship just as long as there is no baby mama drama. I don't need to be fighting with another woman I'm too lazy for such. Nami nje I also hope Senzo doesn't cause drama for me.

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