11.) Benefit of the doubt.

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Siphiwokuhle's POV

"Mama can I come in." "Come in nana." I answer and the door opens. He closes it and comes to my side and sits next to me. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." he answers. "You know you can talk to me about anything." "No it's nothing I just miss my dad you know." "Oh I understand." "Sometimes I get these thoughts that his left me again,"

"He didn't leave you nana. His just in Cape Town on a business trip. He sent me money today so just know that his still around." I say. "Yeah I know but you know i can't help but feel scared." he says. "I see where you coming from nana and i would be too after all the empty promises his made but let's trust him this time around. Give him the benefit of the doubt." He nods.

"Don't worry he didn't leave you." I say. "Yeah I do. I feel better now thanks for listening to me." he says and i smile. "You know I'm always here to make you feel better." He smiles. He rests his head on my chest and i massage his scalp. I understand where his fear comes from after being disappointed several times, he doesn't want to raise his hopes too much.

But I don't think Senzo will leave him again. I prayed to God about it and i told God that if he leaves my son again he must give me the permission to shoot him once and for all. I also believe that my uncle got to him. He won't leave Samkelo again but if he does I'm sending him back to his maker.

My phone rings and i check the caller ID and it identifies the unknown number as Zamokuhle Bhengu. "Should I leave you to answer your call?" asks Samkelo. "Please nana. You not hungry?" I ask. "I am but I'll make myself something to eat." "Uzoyenzani?" (What will you make?) "French toast." "Make some for me please." "Two slices?" "Yes nana." He nods and gets up and he leaves.

I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. I better not embarrass myself during this phone call. I press the green icon and swipe up.

"I almost dropped the phone Ma Zungu." he says and i chuckle. "Ngiyaxolisa. I was talking to my son about something." I say. (I'm sorry.) "Unjani?" (How are you?) "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "Ngijabulile ngoba sengikhuluma nawe." I giggle. (I'm happy because I'm talking to you.)

"Is this something you've always wanted?" I ask. "Yes since the day i first met you." he says and i giggle. "I guess it's your lucky day today. How was your day?" "It was going fine. I was just bored that I'm doing grocery shopping but then my eyes landed on you trying to reach something on that top shelf and i wanted to laugh but I was like let me be a gentleman and assist her." I roll my eyes. "Don't make fun of my situation."

"I'm not I just found it funny how you were tip toeing but you still couldn't reach." he says. "I'll drop this phone." I say. "Ngiyaxolisa Ma Zungu." I roll my eyes and smile. (I'm sorry.) "Yeah yeah I forgive you. So why did you take my numbers?" "Like I said I've always wanted to talk to you and when I saw you again today I knew I couldn't let this opportunity slip my fingers. We've met three times already surely it must be a sign."

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