14.) Him & I.

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Siphiwokuhle's POV

I add the finishing touches to my look and stare at myself in the mirror. Your girl is drop dead gorgeous. I do a little twirl and giggle. My bum is a bit out in this dress and my hips never fail to disappoint. I fix up my bun and make sure my edges are laid right. I'm not one for edges but on days like this I know I need to pop out and go all out.

I take my handbag and stuff it with the essentials. I take a white leather jacket from the wardrobe and head out. So my entire look is an army green cargo skirt with a white off the shoulder top that has some ruffles and white Adidas sneakers. I did braids so I tied them into a high bun and laid them edges. I added light make up and topped it off with a matte red lipstick.

I also wore my large hoop earrings and a watch. I go outside and take a couple of pictures and send them to my sister and Khana.

Big sis🌻: You look so gorgeous love❤. Enjoy your date and have fun. If he isn't what you want leave him and don't give in too quickly. He has to desire you love love.
Me: Thank you sis❤. I sure will enjoy the date and don't worry my mind is not there yet.
Big sis🌻: That's good have a great time and sneak a pic with him.
Me: You ain't seeing my man anytime soon.
Big sis🌻: 🤣🤣. Let me leave you my man, my man.

Cowalicious bestie😝🌻: Scrumptious. If your man doesn't propose to you today then leave him.
Me: 🤣🤣. It's our first date so I'm not expecting any kind of proposal Khana.
Cowalicious bestie😝🌻: He better be complimenting you every two seconds.
Me: I hope he will🤭
Cowalicious bestie😝🌻: Have a great time love and enjoy yourself bestie.
Me: Ngiyabonga love love and i sure will. (Thank you.)

I post one of the photos on my status and caption it with 'Spring is here, let the beautiful flowers bloom🌺.' I switch off my phone and wait for approximately 30 minutes before I hear a knock on the door. I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. No need to be nervous. We practically now each other since we've been talking this whole week.

I get up and walk to the door and there he is standing in his handsome glory. "Sawbona Ma Zungu." he greets and i giggle and smile. You know that scene in Isibaya when Thandeka realised she could see again. That's how I wish I can react to his greeting but I have to keep my composure. "Yebo Bhengu. Unjani?" I ask and he reveals his gorgeous smile. (How are you?)

"Khawuphinde futhi lapho ungibize ngoBhengu." he says and i chuckle. (Call me Bhengu again.) "Hawu Bhengu ngakubuza kamnandi kangaga ukuthi unjani awungiphenduli." I say and we chuckle. (Hawu Bhengu I asked you so nicely how are you and you don't answer me.) "Ngiyaphila wena Ma Zungu." I smile. (I'm good and you Ma Zungu.) "Ngiyaphila." (I'm good.)

His eyes move from my head to my toes and back up and i feel my cheeks heat up. "Umuhle ntokazi. Ngesi Ngisi senu ngizothi you are gorgeous. When you opened the door you literally took my breath away with your beauty." he says and i giggle. (You are a beautiful lady. In your English I will say..) "Ngiyabonga Bhengu." I say and he chuckles. (Thank you.)

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