Chapter 4

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It's Wednesday morning, Selena woke up early, too early as a matter of fact. Yesterday was a blur. She remembered going home last Monday, still reeling from the conversation she had with Hunter Adams. She couldn't back down now even if she wants to. Selena chuckled when she remembered Molly's reaction on the news of Selena's employment.

"You did what? You'd live where? Are you friggin' out of your mind?" Molly was flabbergasted. Molly can hardly contain her disbelief. She is spewing questions like there's no tomorrow. Her friend, her used-to-be-smart friend, who, at the age of twenty-three had never dated (by choice, obviously), never had a boyfriend, is going off to work in someone's ranch. To top all the craziness off, she's going to be living in her boss' house who happens to be a man!

"Molly, our office is right below his house. And he seems, um...trustworthy. And Mrs. Boon, his secretary doesn't find it odd, really. Besides, he is a wealthy man who can have any woman he wants. I'm sure he wouldn't be interested in someone as plain as myself. Also, he didn't have any criminal records," Selena reasoned with her friend.

"Seriously Sel, we need to find your common sense, because the way I see it, it flew right out of you to who-knows-where. You're not thinking straight. You're about to entrust your safety to a man you just met!"

Selena knows where her friend's anxiousness is coming from. Molly's just worried. "Look at it this way, Mr. Adams know that his secretary, you, and probably a score of other people know that I'm a guest at his house. If anything is to happen to me, he will be the first person that'll be investigated. With his wealth and family name, he wouldn't do anything stupid to me, right? Besides, it's just for a few days, just until I find a place to rent." Selena can still see the crease on Molly's forehead. She's still worried and unconvinced by her explanation. "Don't worry too much, okay? I'll be fine," Selena uttered as she gave her best friend a hug. She wondered whether she's trying to convince Molly, or herself.

"If anything goes wrong, you call me, okay? I'll come and get you right away. And you have to carry a pepper spray wherever you go. For protection," Molly answered in resignation. She knows she can't change Selena's mind once she has made a decision. Selena appreciates her friend's concern, but she badly needed this job.

Molly was with Selena the entire day on Tuesday. She helped her pack her clothes and the few stuff she will take with her, they went shopping for some things that Selena will need, and had lunch together. They both knew it'd be a while before they can see each other again.

After picking up her luggage back at Selena's apartment, Molly drove Selena to the train station. And just like that, Selena is off to Hunter Adams' ranch again. The man who has kept her awake since the day she met him.

It was dusk when the train finally made a stop. Edwin, the company messenger, was sent to pick her up at the station when she arrived. That was so thoughtful of Mrs. Boon to have her fetched from the train station. When they arrived at the mansion, Edwin gave her the key to her room, while giving her directions as to which room she will be staying in. He seemed like a nice guy. He also informed her that Mr. Adams isn't going to be coming home tonight.

'Whew.' Selena breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that. At least she can relax tonight, knowing that his employer wouldn't be around. She surveyed her room after Edwin left. It was quite large, the wooden floor was beautiful, the walls were painted blue - a very pale shade of blue. The ceiling is quite high, and a beautiful chandelier hung above, giving off an elegant but modern ambience. To the left side is a coffee table, with a cozy sofa in powder pink faux leather, beside it. 'This is going to be a great area for reading,' Selena thought to herself as she walked inside the room. Dividing the area between the coffee table and the bed was a four-foot shelf containing various books. The queen size bed looks so lovely, the covers and sheets looked so clean and fresh. Looking at the bed reminded her of how tired she is. The powder pink nightstand at the right side of the bed looks perfect. On the left side is a window seat. She can imagine herself sitting there while sipping her cup of coffee. Tomorrow, she'll find out the view on that window.

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