Chapter 23

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It was a warm morning when Selena was released from the hospital. She hated sitting on the wheelchair, but she had to follow the doctor's orders. It was for the baby's sake, after all. Hunter pushed Selena's wheelchair towards the hospital entrance. Lizzy was there, too. Selena didn't have to tell Lizzy, the latter found out that she was pregnant when Selena was in the hospital. Selena felt bad for Lizzy somehow, she knew how much Lizzy wanted to have children of her own. Lizzy though, is genuinely happy for Selena.

Molly wanted to come and visit Selena at the hospital but she was so busy with work, she had to travel all the time. Selena was happy that Molly finally found something she loved doing. A while ago, they talked over the phone, Molly demanded that she be godmother or she will crash the baby's christening. Selena laughed at that. Of course Molly would be godmother, there is no one else that Selena would entrust her child with but Molly. Selena was already thinking of asking Molly and Lizzy to be godmothers.

Hunter took Selena out of the wheelchair and carried her towards the car, and set her gently on his car's front passenger seat. Lizzy sat on the backseat. They drove to the Hunter's family home, as they have agreed. This will be the first time that Selena would go there at daytime. When she went there before, it was at night.

After a few minutes, they drove through the familiar winding driveway of the Adams property, everything looked familiar yet different at the same time. The palm trees and shrubs that lined the driveway looked magnificent. The vast lawn looked lush and fresh, it was well kept. The trees that strategically dotted the vast lawn were well-pruned. A gardener was mowing some parts of the lawn and Selena can smell the freshly cut grass. They were still on the last month of summer, but the leaves on the trees were already hinting at the coming fall. She could see the garden and the magnificent gazebo at a distance. She was sure there was a pond there as well. She made a mental note to visit and see both up close.

The mansion loomed not so far away from them, beautiful and majestic in design and architecture, and imposing at the same time, due to its immense size. Selena and Hunter are going to live in the mansion for at least a week. Selena also found out that the Chief hired an army of nurses to take care of her. Selena was a little embarrassed about it, but she knew Hunter's father only wanted the best for her and the baby. She knew he only has her and the baby's best interest in mind.

Hunter and Selena had discussed their arrangement once they live in the mansion. They will be staying at Hunter's old room at the second floor of the house. They will stay there for at least one week for Selena's doctor-recommended bed rest. Her meals will be delivered to their room. After a week, her doctor will check on her to see if she had to continue her bed rest or not. Selena hoped things will get better soon. They only have three more weeks to prepare for the wedding, and she didn't want to cancel it. She thought of the costs, she knew Hunter can afford to waste money, but Selena didn't want to. That is why she will do everything to get better.

When they finally arrived at the mansion, Hunter carried Selena towards their bedroom. The Chief and Cody were there to welcome them. Lizzy assisted Hunter in settling Selena on the bed, one of the nurses was already there to help as well. Before Lizzy left, she promised Selena she would come by as much as she can so Selena will have someone to talk to. Selena was counting on that. She can't imagine spending an entire week on a bed with no one else to talk to. Hunter had promised to stay with her as often as possible, but it would be nice to have friends around.

Unsurprisingly, the room was huge. Hunter mentioned that his father had his room redecorated so that it will look more soothing and conducive for recuperating. He also said that a feminine touch wouldn't hurt as well. Selena smiled when she thought of the Chief. He was a serious man, but she can't help but notice how caring and thoughtful he was, no wonder people both feared and loved him. Her thoughts drifted, she thought of how the Chief told her the entire story about her wife's accident and Hunter's downward spiral afterwards. Selena felt guilty, it must be as terrible for him to go through that as it was for her when she lost her parents.

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