Chapter 21

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Selena was on her way back to the house. She was still reeling from shock. She felt her abdomen, it's still flat, there's no sign yet of the tiny human being growing inside her. Her baby. Hunter's baby. She can't help but smile. Earlier at the doctor's office, she cried tears of joy when she realized she was indeed pregnant. Before she left, Doctor Lowe advised her not to stress herself too much to make sure the baby will be okay. She also gave her prescription for the vitamins she has to take to make sure she and the baby are healthy.

She can't wait to tell Hunter the good news. Selena wondered about Hunter's possible reaction. Will he be as happy and excited as she was?

Mrs. Boon was already in the office when Selena arrived. She would tell Clara soon, she needed to tell Hunter first, though.

"Hi Clara, morning..." Selena greeted Mrs. Boon. "How are you today?" She added, unable to wipe the smile from her face.

"Morning, Sel. You seemed in a good mood today." Mrs. Boon answered, looking at Selena.

"Yep. Today is a great day!" Selena declared. "By the way, Clara, I need to see the contracts with our buyers. I will prepare billing statements for this month. I just had to be sure of our buyers' due dates. Hunter mentioned each of the buyers have different due dates, depending on their credit standing with our company." Selena planned to finish all the billing statements so she could relax earlier and make a special dinner for Hunter tonight.

"I placed them inside the drawers in Hunter's table. They're inside two or three folders, I think. Let me check..." Mrs. Boon stood up.

"No, no...I'll get it myself, Clara." Selena went inside the office she shared with Hunter.

Selena went directly to Hunter's table. It has three drawers. She opened the first one, there were only office supplies in it. She found the folders inside the second drawer. There were three folders, so she took all of them. She brought the folder with her to her table and started to work. There are already saved templates on her computer for billing statements that they are going to send to their buyers who bought cattle and other products from Hunter's company on account, so Selena just had to input the names, addresses, dates, amounts, and due dates before she printed each of the billing statements. To ensure correct due dates, Selena matched the purchase orders with the contracts of each of the buyers.

Selena worked on, stopping only to feel her abdomen and smile at the miracle growing inside her.

After almost an hour, she had almost finished matching the contracts in the first and second folder with her recorded billings. Selena opened the third folder. It was thicker than the first two folders. Selena stopped when she noticed that the contents of the third folder were different from the other two. It was probably Hunter's personal files so she closed the folder and stood up to return it to Hunter's drawer. Suddenly a couple of pictures fell to the floor. One was her picture, the other one was a picture of a crushed car. It piqued Selena's curiosity. She sat down and opened the folder again.

Selena scanned the contents of the folder. It was an investigative report about her. It detailed her childhood including what happened to her parents seven years ago, when she was sixteen years old. There was even a picture of her parents' red car during the crash that killed both of them. Another picture was that of the white pickup that hit her parent's' car when it spun around after getting hit by a trailer truck. There were newspaper clippings as well. With a trembling hand, Selena read the attached excerpt of the police report:

'The driver of the white pick up truck, Mrs. Elizabeth Adams died on the spot when her vehicle exploded, while her son, Hunter William Adams, was in a critical condition when he was brought to the hospital after the police found his unconscious body just meters away from the exploded pick up. The couple inside the red car, Mr. Arthur Rey and Mrs. Allison Rey also died before they were brought to the hospital, leaving their only child, Selena Isabelle Rey.'

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