Chapter 13

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Hunter has been pacing back and forth inside the makeshift office that he and Dave shared. He can't believe what he had just done. He had kissed her. He had kissed Selena! He blamed his dream for what happened. It felt so real. In his dream, he and his mom was driving on the road when all of the sudden he heard tires screeching before their car crashed. His mother was covered with blood and told him to get out of the car. Suddenly, his mother's face slowly twisted and morphed right before his eyes. His mother had transformed into Selena. Selena had cuts all over her arms and face. Blood was dripping all over her head. She, too, urged Hunter to get out of the car. 'Get out of the car, Hunter! Get out!' Selena kept urging him to get out, she spent her last breath telling him to get out of the car. Hunter watched in horror as Selena died while he couldn't do anything to save her. He screamed for help but nobody heard him. He then heard Selena's voice calling out to him. That's when he opened his eyes and saw Selena. She was perfectly fine. At first, he couldn't understand what was going on. He really thought his dream was real, but he could already see Selena's worried face, no wound, no blood all over, and not dead. His heart swelled with happiness when he realized she is alive and safe, and he kissed her. It was just a light kiss at first, but then all his raw emotions poured out. He couldn't stop himself. After that, everything was a blur.

Until now, he can still feel Selena's lips, he can still remember how good it felt touch her. He can spend forever kissing her, but he stopped when she asked him to. That's when reality sank in, like cold water has been suddenly splashed on his face.

He had apologized to her and quickly went downstairs. Inside the small office, he tried to go back to sleep, sitting on his chair and propping his feet on the office table, but he couldn't, not after what happened. So, he spend the remainder of the night thinking.

He thought he couldn't allow himself to get attached to Selena, nor anybody, for that matter. He has dedicated his life to someone else, he can't back out now. His atonement had just begun, and he cannot afford to veer away from that. At that moment, Hunter made his choice.


When Selena opened her eyes again, it was morning. After wiping the sleep from her eyes, she surveyed the room. She got disoriented for a while, but then realized soon enough where she was. She blushed when she remember what happened last night. How is she going to face Hunter now? She got up from bed and checked her watch. Ten in the morning! She quickly checked the clothes she hanged last night. She is relieved to find that they have dried during the night. She quickly changed and went downstairs.

Dave was downstairs. "Oh hi, Selena! Hunter told me what happened. I found him asleep in the office this morning. It rained hard last night, huh?"

"Yeah. We had no choice but to stay here last night."

"Well, you're lucky you haven't gone that far when Hunter's car broke." Dave said. Selena thought the same. "Well, have breakfast first before I drive you to the main house."

"Hunter's gone?" Selena asked. She can't believe he just left her here.

"He was in a hurry early this morning. He said he had to call someone to tow his truck. He had to meet new buyers today, too, I think. But he asked me to take you home when you wake up." Dave explained.

"Oh, in that case let's go. I'll just have breakfast when I get home." Selena can't wait to go home. She's actually not feeling so well. She can feel the onset of a cold, but she has tons of work waiting for her in the office and she's already so late as it is. She would have wanted to check on the horses, but she didn't have time anymore.

"If you say so, I'll have the car ready." Dave said before he went out to get his car.

Dave drove Selena home. She thanked Dave and took the stairs on the side of the house and went directly to her room. She took a quick shower and changed to her office clothes. When she went down to the office, Mrs. Boon worriedly greeted her.

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