Chapter 6

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While driving, Hunter thought about how he has kept himself busy at the farm these last few days, which is not that difficult since it's branding season for his cattles, and there's tons to do. He also kept on checking on Shadow and the two other mares who just gave birth to their foals. He made sure he comes home late so he doesn't have to see Selena. Thinking about her being in his house stirred emotions that he didn't want to think about, so it's necessary that he avoid her. He has been happy with his life being alone without any commitments to anybody. He can sleep with any woman, no strings attached, whenever he wants to, and he can focus on his business. No girlfriend to nag him about silly stuff. He can come and go as he pleases. That's how his life had always been, and he'd like it to remain that way.

Earlier today, he was at the small office within his farm's property when Mrs. Boon, his secretary, called, to inform him that she will be out of the office earlier than usual to attend the town's fair. She vaguely mentioned that she is glad Selena will be meeting her at the fair, too. Minutes after he'd hung up the phone, he is still at odds with himself. Why would he care if Selena attends the town festivities? That shouldn't bother him one bit, but even while thinking that whatever she does outside of work shouldn't be an issue with him, he found himself getting his car keys and driving towards the house.

Now, he is driving towards the fair, with Selena on the passenger seat, looking outside. Is she mad at him? He couldn't tell. Earlier, when Selena mentioned that she would wait for a cab or would walk, he felt so angry. He'd looked at her, wearing an almost sheer white blouse and tight jeans, and he think about the possibility of her walking by herself at night. Doesn't she know that a beautiful woman like herself, alone, at night, is a good target for criminals? Is she out of her mind? Or does she think people in the country are all nice and kind? Thinking about drunk men laying their filthy hands on Selena made his blood boil in rage.

While driving, Hunter thought about how he had avoided her after that time they had breakfast at the house together, even when all he thinks about while he's at work is her. He gets out of the house too early, everyday, on purpose, so he doesn't have to see her. The less he sees her, the better. All because he is afraid to get attached to her. He doesn't like how he feels when he is around her. He doesn't like how warm and fuzzy his heart felt when their eyes meet. Most of all, he doesn't like the way he longs to see her when he is at the farm. No, he doesn't have feelings for her. He is feeling this way because she is someone 'new' - a novelty. He thought it will wear off as time pass by, but it didn't.

'I would just drop her off and I'll go," Hunter thought as they neared the fair site. He could already see the lights, and the huge ferris wheel slowly spinning. He scanned the parking lot for a free space. He could hear the squeals of children having a great time.

"Is that it? Wow! That looks fun!" Uttered Selena in excitement. Hunter can see the excited glimmer in her eyes and the wide smile on her face. She looks so beautiful, and Hunter doesn't think she is even aware of it. She hurriedly got off the car after Hunter parked. A few people were at the parking area, chatting while drinking. A few of them glanced at Selena, who is oblivious of the looks some of the men gave her. If he wasn't there, he is sure those men would have walked up to her. Good thing Mrs. Boon called him earlier.

"C'mon, Hunter. I can see some food stalls over there. I'm hungry." If she was mad at him earlier, it doesn't show now. She was all smiles as she walk a few steps ahead of him. He likes how her long hair sway with every step she takes. Hunter followed after her. She stopped at a stall that sells apples, strawberries, and other fruits thickly covered in chocolate. "I'd like one, how about you?" Selena offered while pointing at the chocolate-covered apples.

"No, thanks." He answered while taking a mental note on Selena's love for fruits and chocolates.

"Oh okay. Just one apple, please." She addressed the vendor who gave her what she ordered right away. Selena tried to open her wallet while holding the apple. She obviously had a hard time doing it. Hunter reached for his wallet and paid the vendor.

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