Chapter 20

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At the end of the month, Selena has finally updated all the accounting records of Hunter's company. Her work has become easier since then because all she had to do is record and compute current transactions, which freed up her time to plan the wedding.

From the last week of June and through the last week of the following month, Selena, Lizzy and Molly were busy preparing for the wedding. Selena has fallen in love with Mermaid Lake so much that she decided to have the wedding and the reception there, and Hunter did not object. Lizzy will be catering for the reception. Lizzy has had many contacts in Aspen due to her own business, so she enlisted the help of her friend, who is also a florist, to do the job of a wedding coordinator.

Molly helped Selena find a designer for her wedding dress. They both decided to hire the designer Molly knew well. Molly and Selena both went to the designer's studio to choose the design and other details for Selena's wedding dress. Lizzy and Molly also helped Selena decide on the invitations, place cards, escort cards, favors, the wedding cake, decorations, flowers, and everything else. Selena was happy she had both Molly and Lizzy to help her out. Hunter tried to help out as well as much as he can.

Selena didn't know, but her wedding to Hunter has become the talk of the town. They can't believe that the hellion youngest son of the Chief is getting married.

Selena had no idea how exhausting preparing for a wedding really was. Even Hunter noticed how pale and fatigued she looked the last few days. At least Selena has finally gotten her driver's license. It made driving around town easier since she didn't have to ask Hunter all the time to drive her around, especially now that the farm demands more of his attention.

"Selena love, don't tire yourself too much. We can hire someone else to coordinate and do everything." Hunter told her worriedly as they cuddled on the couch after an exhausting day on the last week of July. It's still summer, the weather is slightly warm, but not too uncomfortable. The truth is, Selena did feel very tired.

Selena smiled at him. "Hunter, I will only be married once. I want to enjoy the experience, fatigue and all. Don't worry about me, okay? I planned to go to Carter and Dr. Winston's clinic tomorrow, anyway. They might be able to prescribe some vitamins or stress reliever for me." She assured her husband-to-be.

"Okay, you do that. Do you want me to drive you to the clinic tomorrow?" Hunter asked as she gently stroked Selena's back to lessen her tension.

"No, I'll be fine on my own. I have gotten comfortable driving alone now, thanks to you." She hugged and kissed Hunter. She missed spending time with him. They've both been busy the last few weeks that they only see each other at night.

"You know I would like to help you with the preparations, but I honestly have no idea what to do." Hunter said seriously.

Selena can't help but giggle. "I know, honey. I understand. Men generally have no clue about these things, I guess." She saw how surprised Hunter was and she couldn't understand why. "Why? What is it?"

"You called me 'honey'!" Hunter said, grinning as he hugged her.

"Oh that. Sorry if it took me too long." Even now, Selena still marvel at how easy it is to make Hunter happy. He also know how to appreciate even the little things Selena did for him.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Like I said, I will never pressure you into doing anything. I love you too much to do that. I'm happy, though. Very happy." Hunter declared before he kissed her.

The following morning, Selena drove to Carter and Dr. Winston's clinic. She didn't want to feel fatigued. Selena wanted to enjoy the experience of preparing for her wedding. While driving, Selena remembered her parents. It would have been great if her mom and dad could be there to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. Selena thought of her life now. A lot has changed since she met Hunter. Her dream of riding horses had been fulfilled, she has gotten over her fear of driving, and now she is about to marry the man of her dreams. He had done so much for her. He had given her unconditional love and he had always thought of her happiness and comfort before his own. Selena had never expected to love and be loved by a man like Hunter Adams. In her heart, Selena knew she would do anything to make Hunter happy.

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