Chapter 24

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After another week spent at the Adams mansion doing nothing, Selena was itching to go back to work. She asked Hunter if they could go back to his house on the main street, Hunter was reluctant at first, thinking about Selena and the baby's safety, but he couldn't say no to Selena, so the next day, they bid farewell to Hunter's father and went back to Hunter's house.

As they climbed up the stairs, Selena realized she missed the house. She also missed going downstairs, chatting with Mrs. Boon, and doing her work. She knew her work has piled up already, despite Dave's effort to help in the record-keeping of all their disbursements and cash receipts.

Hunter led Selena directly to his bedroom while he carried the medium-sized satchel that contained their stuff. Selena realized they haven't talked about their sleeping arrangement yet, but at the mansion, they have already shared a room.

"You are sleeping in my room from now on, Selena, if it's okay. I could look out for you if we share the same room, besides, we're getting married in two weeks, anyway." Hunter declared as he placed the bag on the foot of the bed. "This room is bigger than the one you're occupying, so we will be more comfortable here."

"Okay, I guess it's fine." She smiled at him. "Can I go downstairs now? I'd like to see Mrs. Boon. I haven't seen her in weeks!" Selena missed her friend. She understood why Clara hasn't visited at the mansion. With Selena and Hunter out of the office, Clara had to take care everything.

"Alright, I'll go with you." Hunter declared. When they were at the mansion, Hunter had been very attentive to her needs. He rarely left her side. At first, Selena though he might get bored staying at the house almost the entire day everyday. But to her surprise, Hunter was the one who constantly entertained her so she will not get sick of staying inside. They would talk about their experiences - Hunter's childhood escapades and mischiefs. Selena felt that her childhood was bland and boring compared to Hunter's, but he would urged her to tell him stories about her experiences at school and everything else.

"Oh, don't worry, Hunter. I've been walking up and down that stairs hundreds of times. I can manage." Selena stopped Hunter. If it's not dangerous for the baby, Selena would like to do things on her own. She can't just rely on Hunter all the time. She knew Hunter was a busy man, and she has taken a lot of his time the past two weeks already. Selena appreciated everything that Hunter tried to do for her, but sometimes, she wanted to feel independent again. She had been basically on her own since she was sixteen years old, although Molly and her parents had been there for her when she needed them, and she highly value her freedom and independence.

"Are you sure?" Hunter still looked worried.

"Yep. Don't worry about me too much, okay?" She smiled at him. The concern that crossed his face melted her heart. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She kissed him before she went out of the room. They left the mansion an hour after lunch. As she promised Hunter, she will take the afternoon off to rest, and she would just go back to work tomorrow. If it would be up to Hunter, he would hire another accountant so Selena can just rest, but Selena dreaded the prospect of spending the remaining eight months of her pregnancy doing nothing. Selena reasoned that she is pregnant, not sick, therefore she can still do the things she had been doing even when she's pregnant, as long as she was extra careful. Besides, her work at the office is not physically strenuous. The sad news was that she wasn't allowed to go to the farm anymore. The road leading to the farm can be a bit bumpy, and Hunter didn't want to take the risk of Selena going there. She's going to miss the horses, for sure.

When Mrs. Boon saw Selena, she smiled widely and gave her a huge hug. "I saw you pull up earlier, but I didn't come out, I thought you will stay upstairs until tomorrow. How are you, dear? I heard about the news. Ohh, there will be a new Adams soon. I'm so happy for you and Hunter."

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