Chapter 22

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Selena woke up in an unfamiliar bed. She felt heady and nauseous, that distinct hospital odor made her stomach churn.

"Selena, honey? I'm glad you're awake now. You made me so worried." Hunter told her while holding her hand.

Selena then remembered why she was in the hospital. "Hunter, the baby? Is the baby safe?" Selena asked as her hands automatically felt her abdomen, she was starting to panic when she remembered how she bled.

"Shh. Dont worry, the baby is okay. You just need to rest to make sure the baby develops perfectly. You just have to avoid stress, the doctor said." Hunter assured her.

Selena remembered what happened, she remembered what she found out. It was Hunter's mother who caused her parent's death seven years ago. She was the driver of the white pickup truck, and Hunter was in the passenger seat. They were connected years before they even met. Tears started to roll from her eyes, she wanted to be mad at Hunter for not telling her everything, but seeing Hunter so distraught made her want to reach out to him and touch his face, but she stopped herself. She was still mad at him for not being honest with her, but she can't deny that she still love him so much.

The door to her room suddenly opened, and the Chief, Hunter's father, came in. He looked worried, but he smiled when he saw her.

"Oh, you're awake now. I'm glad." The Chief addressed Selena. "Hunter, I want to talk to her privately, if that's okay with you both." The Chief said, his face full of kindness. Selena knew Hunter's father had something very important to tell her.

"Dad, I think we should let Selena rest some more. Let's not stress her out even more." Hunter told his father.

"Son, she can rest easier when everything gets out in the open. There's no better time than now." The Chief told his son. Selena can clearly see where Hunter got his stubborn streak.

"I want to talk to your father, Hunter. I need to hear what he has to say," Selena told Hunter, her voice serious.

"Okay, I'll wait outside, then." Hunter said in resignation as he went out of the room.

The Chief sat at the chair beside Selena's bed, the one Hunter just vacated. "You made everyone worry, young lady, Hunter especially. " The Chief said while he smiled at her. "I am happy that you and my grandchild are okay."

"I'm sorry if I made you and everyone worry, Chief." Selena said apologetically.

"Selena, what I am about to tell you is as painful to me as it is to you. Reliving painful memories is never easy. But I believe this is the right time for you to know everything. Like I said, things will be easier, especially for you and my son, if you knew everything." His tone was serious but full of sadness.

"I know, Chief." Selena said, tears starting to fog her vision.

"Hunter was a good kid, but like many young boys, he was a handful. He was the youngest, his mother almost died giving birth to him, and his mother and brothers doted on him while he grew up. He was a hellraiser growing up, and he gave me too many headaches. Seven years ago, Hunter and I had a huge fight. I said some harsh words and threatened to disown him, so he ran away. One of his friends' family own this mountaintop hotel, and Hunter went there. I guess he stayed there for a few days. My late wife was so distraught so I asked around about Hunter's whereabouts, that's when I found out where he was. I asked Sam to go to get his brother, but my wife said she'd go instead. We all know how Hunter adored his mother, so she thought he might go home if she went there herself. That night, when my wife found Hunter, he was drunk as hell and he refused to go with her. Hunter said she threatened to kill herself if Hunter will not go home with him, so he reluctantly went with his mother. While going down the mountain road, Hunter's drunken behavior made my wife burst into tears, that's when she lost control of the car for a few seconds. Just a few seconds. That was all it took to change all of our lives. It was too late when my wife noticed they were going to collide with a trailer truck head on, she swerved to the right, but the trailer still hit the back side of her pick up. Her car spun around, hitting your parents car, who were just behind them. I believe you already know what happened during the accident. My wife didn't die right away, Hunter remembered her trying to unlock his seat belt and urged him to get out of the car. Hunter was hurt badly himself. Hunter asked his mother to get out of the car as well. She told him she was stuck and told Hunter to get out of the car to help her out. Hunter did got out of the car but he passed out after taking a few steps outside. It was afterwards that he found out that the car burst into flames and exploded just seconds after he went out of the car. My wife didn't make it. If he hadn't gotten out on time, he would have died as well." The Chief paused to wipe away the tears that rolled down his cheeks. Selena could see that reliving that moment was very hard for Hunter's father. Selena wiped away her own tears as well.

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