Chapter 8

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It took three days before Selena can walk properly, but she still has to make sure she does not put too much pressure on her bad foot, just to be on the safe side. Hunter had took her to the town's only hospital to have her foot x-rayed, to make sure there isn't any major problem that Dr. Winston missed. Thankfully, her foot was healing properly. During those three days, Hunter didn't allow her to go to the office at all, even if it's just downstairs.

Now, back at the office, she worked harder than ever to cover the backlogs she had. She's already used to being alone in the office that she and Hunter shared since Hunter seldom comes in, that's why she was surprised when the door opened and saw Hunter standing by the door. It was a little past two in the afternoon.

"Would you like to see the farm?" He suddenly asked.

"" Selena doesn't know what to say. Hunter's appearance and invitation was so sudden, it took her by surprise. She is his accountant, so sooner or later she would have to see his farm, his main business, but she didn't expect it to be this soon, especially now that the office records is not yet updated. "Well, okay." He's the boss. If he likes to show her the farm right now, then fine by her.

"I'll wait outside." That was all he said before he turned around and left. Selena arranged the papers on her desk and turned her computer off. She stopped by Mrs. Boon's office table to inform her where they're going then went after Hunter. He was waiting by his pickup. He opened the car door for Selena and offered his hand to assist her. She thought he might still be worried about her foot, so she didn't made any fuss and took his hand when she climbed up. It felt slightly weird holding his hand, but she just brushed off that feeling.

They pass by houses and boutiques. She thought they were already outside the main town when she started seeing meadows and farmlands. Hunter is silent while driving, so Selena kept herself busy admiring the beautiful landscape and sceneries. She has to admit, Aspen is really beautiful. She likes the green grasses that covered almost every inch of land, the beautiful wild flowers, even the houses they passed by are pretty in their simplicity. She wondered what it feels like to really live in this place. "It's beautiful." She declared silently.

"You think so?" Hunter asked. Selena didn't think he heard her, but apparently, he did.

"Yes, I've never seen a place this beautiful. The people of Aspen are lucky to be able to live in a place like this. I was born and raised in the city, where all you see are buildings, busy streets and cars. I've never traveled to places like this before."

"Hmm." Was all Hunter replied.

They didn't talk again after that. After a few more miles, Selena noticed that the landscape changed a bit, there were no houses anymore, all she could see is grassland, dotted by cows here and there. She noticed the fences that bordered the land on the left and right side of the road. It's probably to keep the cows from running through the road. There were only few trees in the area, too. As they pass by, she could see more and more cows. The grassland is so vast. From where they are, it seems that it's all you can see. Selena has never seen so many cows in her life. She wondered if Hunter own all of these cattle and land. When her records are all updated, she will know the extent of Hunter's properties.

They kept on driving. Not very far ahead, she can make out what seems to be a group of houses or small buildings. She gasped when she saw horses in the distance.

"Wow! Real horses!" She marvelled, an obvious smile creeping on her face. Horses are her favorite animals.

"You've never seen horses before?" Hunter asked, surprised.

"I've seen them before, but not close enough." Her parents once took her to a family friend's house who had a horse. She was not allowed to get close to it, though. "They are so beautiful." She murmured to herself.

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