Chapter 12

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They were silently sipping their coffee after dinner. The spaghetti Selena made was really good. How she made the delicious pasta sauce with just bacon and a can of tomato sauce is beyond him. He was mesmerized as he watched her work in the kitchen. She looked happy being there, preparing their food. It would be nice having someone cook his dinner all the time. He imagined her doing this for him every day, but he shook the feeling away immediately.

Hunter is thinking about how he would be able to sleep in the cold office, when Selena suggested they should share the room upstairs, saying she is afraid he would get sick if he stayed all night long in the cold. He silently studied her, she doesn't seem like someone who would intentionally seduce any guy, she even seemed awkward and nervous at her own suggestion. She even suggested that she sleep on the floor and he on the bed. So, he promptly told her he had no extra mattress, when in fact there are spare mattresses in the storage. He can't have her sleep on the floor. She seemed to be having second thoughts when he told her that, but she still agreed to share his bed after some thinking.

What is this woman thinking? Is she naive enough to think that it's okay for a man and a woman to spend the night on the same bed without anything happening? Doesn't she know that a man's brain is directly connected to his loins? Given, he dreaded sleeping in the cold office, still...

He remembered how he reacted earlier when he saw her wearing his clothes. No woman has ever worn his clothes, yet there she was, standing by the stair balustrade, slightly pulling his shirt she's wearing so it wouldn't cling to her breasts. And her damp hair is plastered on her scalp. He knows all too well that she has nothing underneath those clothes. He had to look away quickly before his manly desire get the better of him. Damn this woman. She can wear a sack of potato as clothes and still look amazingly beautiful.

Hunter had quickly went inside the room and turned on the cold shower to quell the growing heat he felt. And now, she'd just suggested to spend the night on the same bed together. This woman is surely testing how far he can control himself!

"You can go on upstairs, Selena. You must be tired. I need to check something in the office first." Hunter said as he stood up. Selena just nodded before she stood up as well and gently placed her mug on the sink. He can hear her footsteps as she walked up the stairs towards the bedroom. He heard the bedroom door opened and closed gently.

He let out a sigh of relief. Hunter sat back on his chair. 'Hunter Adams, control yourself. She trusted you. You are not to touch even a single strand of her hair! You can bed some other woman tomorrow.' He told himself. He took a deep breath and exhaled. He sat there for a few minutes, giving Selena enough time to settle upstairs. After some time, he slowly climbed the stairs and entered the bedroom.

Selena was on the bed, her back towards the door. She didn't move when he entered the room. He took off his shirt, as is his usual habit before going to bed. Selena was on the far end of the left side of the bed. He is actually dead tired but his senses are alert. He slowly laid on his side of the bed. He was on his back, staring at the ceiling, and listening outside. The rain hasn't abated yet. He thought of his truck, he wondered what was wrong with it. He made a mental note to take it to the mechanic tomorrow.

"Are you asleep?" He softly ask.

"No, not yet." She answered, without turning towards him.

"Rest easy, Selena." He closed his eyes. He is hyper aware of her presence on his bed, but he tried to will himself to fall asleep. The sooner he falls asleep, the better for both of them.

"Okay." Selena murmured.

It is weird for Hunter to have a woman in bed and not have sex. He hasn't had any formal relationship before, but he has dated and bedded countless women. But whenever a woman wanted a sort of relationship with him, and/or displayed possessiveness, he had always opted out. Glancing at Selena, he thought of how different she is from the other women he had met. Sometimes, she seemed nervous around him, like she has no idea what to do. She also does things innocently, like suggesting they share a bed because she's worried he might get sick in the cold. She seemed childlike earlier when she was with the horses. He prided himself in being able to read and understand women, but Selena is quite unlike the women he has encountered before.

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