Chapter 17

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Selena spent the last four days learning how to drive. They would go somewhere with very minimal vehicle or traffic, to make sure she can focus on driving, without getting nervous about hitting people or other vehicles. In Aspen, there are many places like that, where you only see animals and vegetation. At first, Selena got so hysterical that they would have to stop, but Hunter is always there, encouraging her, prodding her on, and telling her that everything will be all right. Hunter was insistent but very patient with her. He somehow understood what she was going through. There were times when Selena wanted to give up, but the thought of Hunter, giving his time, effort, and attention just to help her, gave her the motivation to go on, despite wanting to break down and quit.

After Selena felt a little more comfortable sitting in the driver's seat, she learned to start the engine without any problem. Maneuvering the steering wheel, foot pedals, and gears, proved easy as well. What she badly needed to improve on is focusing on the road, without getting distracted by her own fearful thoughts.

They would practice very early in the morning and after work during weekdays, and the entire day during the weekend. After four days, Selena felt exhausted. The emotional side of it sapped all her energy. The good part is that she realized she can actually drive without hurting herself or other people, even if she still recall her parents every time she sit in the driver's seat.

Selena is standing inside her bathroom, drying her hair after taking a hot shower. They just finished their driving session for the day and Hunter ordered food for their dinner. He didn't want her to bother cooking dinner after an exhausting day. 'Tomorrow is my birthday,' Selena thought. She wondered if Hunter knew. Probably not, all the employee files are with Clara. Selena wouldn't take it against him if he didn't knew yet. After dressing for dinner, Selena went to the kitchen where she found Hunter setting the table.

"Hunter, let me do that..." she tried to take the utensils from Hunter, but he refused.

"No, you must be tired, let me do this. You always cook our breakfast, and you also cook dinner when we're not out. The only thing I do is load the dishwasher, which is not much really. Let me do this. It's the least I can do for you." He tenderly smiled at her. Selena wondered what she did to deserve someone like Hunter.


"Just sit here..." Hunter pulled out a chair for Selena. "And when I'm done setting the table, we can start eating. I hope ravioli in creamy soup and salad is fine." Hunter said as he arranged the food on the table.

"They look delicious. I didn't know they deliver this kind of food." Selena had always wondered how things seem to be so easy for Hunter.

"They don't, but I kinda know the restaurant owner, and he said they can deliver the food here." He winked at her. One of the perks of having 'Adams' as your family name, no doubt.

They shared their food while Hunter told Selena about what happened in the farm that day. It has become their routine during dinner to tell each other about their day. Selena loved these moments. It made her feel that she is indeed part of Hunter's life and that he wanted to be a part of hers, too. Their relationship is so different from the stories she hear from her classmates in high school and in college. The girls she knew would always whine about what a jerk most men are. They would always complain about seeing their boyfriends out with other girls. Molly herself had fumed in anger when she and her boyfriend split up. Hunter was nothing but kind and loving towards her. Selena wondered if most men are like those college boys her friends dated, and Hunter is just an exception, or most men are like Hunter, and her friends were just unlucky to date jerkheads.

"Hon, lets take the afternoon off tomorrow, okay? I'll take you somewhere nice." Hunter suddenly announced, smiling at her. His smile had always the effect of turning her knees to jelly.

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