Chapter 5

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Selena's first week as accountant was surprisingly uneventful. She immediately set herself to task in sorting out the company's receipts, bills, vouchers, records, reports, and everything else. She had also requested a new set of computer, and set up a new system for more convenient recording and accounting. She has kept herself busy in updating the company books, their backlog records has piled up. Thankfully, Mrs. Boon has been very accommodating in helping her out at the office. No one has applied for the ad they posted for accounting staff yet, so Selena has to do all the recording and accounting herself.

On her first day of work, she found out that a cook, George Higgins, come by before lunch hour to prepare their meals. George is a stocky man who has a loud voice, an easy smile, and a boisterous laugh which is highly infectious. One can't help but like the man. He makes delicious food, too. The same cook also prepares lunch for all the farm hands and farmers employed by Hunter. A company that that gives free lunch to its employees, now, that's something you don't see very often. Their employer is quite generous, Selena must admit.

One thing Selena finds a bit disconcerting, though, is that she shares an office with her boss. Hunter's office is huge, it can well accommodate both of their tables, a coffee table, storage area, mini library, and still have enough space to walk around. She shouldn't get fussy about that arrangement, but for some reason, sharing an enclosed space with her boss makes her a bit edgy. Thankfully, Hunter is rarely in, he prefers spending time at his ranch or at the farm. On the rare occasion that he is around, they only talk when Selena has questions regarding work. At night, he usually comes in very late, so bumping into him does not happen often, and when they do see each other at the hallway, Hunter would just give her a curt nod then moves along. He is an early riser, too. By the time Selena wakes up, she's already alone in the house. He is such an enigma to her.

Selena's problem at the moment is that she hasn't found a place to rent. She has been so busy at work she doesn't have time to go house hunting. Just this morning, Hunter brought more records from the farm manager's office. How is she going to move out from her boss' house if she can't even look around town? Mrs. Boon offered to ask around for any house or apartment being rented out, but until now, she hasn't had any luck. On Sunday, Selena is off from work and she plans to spend the day looking for an apartment, or a small house to rent. She would also like to roam around town, which happened to be called Aspen, and really see the place. She's been here for almost a week now and the only place she'd visited is the grocery store when she accompanied Mrs. Boon as the latter purchased some supplies while Edwin was off somewhere.

"Aren't you going out tonight, Selena?" Mrs. Boon asked as she was preparing to leave. Selena glanced at the wall clock, 5:15, their office hours ends at five in the afternoon. Mrs. Boon usually leave at around five-thirty. "My friends and I are going to the town fair. It runs until 8pm, then there's a dance after that." Ah, so that explains it. Even Edwin went home early today. "Would you like to come with us? It'd be fun!" The older woman offered with a smile. She remembered Mrs. Boon telling her that she is divorced and had no children. Selena is just happy that Mrs. Boon is finding time to go out with friends, instead of being a grumpy, old, cat-lady.

"I'll probably come by later, Mrs. Boon. I don't have anything to do tonight, anyway." It would be nice to experience a town fair. She has never been into one, and it's a chance for her to meet the other townsfolk. Maybe she'll meet new friends, and maybe someone might know of a place for her to rent. "Dont worry, I'll close the office before I go upstairs. You go on right ahead, Mrs. Boon."

"Oh hush, call me Clara." Mrs. Boon declared with a smile. "Alright, then. Bye. I'll see at the fair." Mrs. Boon waved good bye and went out the front door. Selena is left alone in the office. It's so quiet. She remembered when she was still in the city. It was always noisy that she wished she'd be in some place peaceful and quiet. Now, she got her wish and she realized it can be lonely, especially when Molly is not around - her talkative and vivacious friend. Selena is not much of a drinker, but she and Molly go to the bar every once in a while and have a round or two of beer. She likes going out with Molly, whenever a guy Selena dislikes hit on her, Molly is always there to make up excuses. Oh well, she's here now, she might as well make the best of her time here, and what better way than to go to the fair and meet some people?

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