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When i finally reached Mon, they were busy looking for her family members so I immediately stepped in. I was the closest family they can get right now.

The nurses were looking at me weirdly. Then they asked "what is your relation with the patient?"

S: fiancee (I proudly said. I haven't asked Mon yet, but she said she wanted to marry me. So I considered myself her fiancee from that moment on. There will never be anyone else. Mon was always the one and i'm sure everyone who knew us, knew that too. In my mind, we were already each other's. I couldn't marry her before because of my promise with grandma but I already considered her as my wife! It's not something a piece of paper can tell me otherwise. But if there's anything this tragedy taught me, it's that life is too short and we should do what makes us happy. If Mon needs assurance to be happy, i'll give her all the assurance she needs. Once Mon wakes up I'll definitely ask her to marry me!)

They were hesitant to tell me but I knew what they were trying to imply
Same sex relationships are not yet recognized by Thailand laws so technically I had no status and no say in Mon's treatment.

S: Tell me
Nurse: the patient needs to undergo emergency surgery and we need the consent from an immediate family member
S: emergency surgery? Why what happened to Mon? I'm her family I will give u my consent! Do all you can to save her!
Nurse: we're sorry but we need an immediate family member to give the consent
S: and I am telling u I am her family! You're wasting time! Mon needs treatment now! Where's the paperwork? Let me sign it!
Nurse: i'm sorry but we need
S: I already heard that 2 times already and I am telling u I am her family!
Nurse: i'm sorry but
S: God what is it that u want? I told i'm her family! Ur wasting time! Who's the owner of this hospital?
Nurse: pardon?
S: have u gone deaf too? I said who owns this hospital?
Nurse: It's Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth
S: get me his number
Nurse: what?
S: I said give me his number!
Nurse: we can't do that
S: fine i'll do it myself
I called my secretary, you have 2 mins. Find me the number of the owner of Bangkok national hospital. His name is Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth. Connect me to him now.

Tee: What's happening PP?
S: Mon, emergency surgery. Family member. Need owner.
Jim: you're talking in codes again!
Tee: it's ok i've gotten the gist of it. What's the name of the owner?
S: Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth
Tee: ok i've got it lemme make a few calls
Kate: Let me make a couple calls too
Jim: what's happening? Who are we calling and why?
Tee: you're dumb! Call ur husband ask for Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth's number.
Jim: but why?
S: save. Mon!

S: hello this is Mom Luang Samanan Anantrakun. I need your help
P: Mom Luang, how can I help you
S: my fiancee's admitted in your hospital and need emergency surgery can u bypass the consent?
P: but why?
S: we're both women
(This was the first time i've said it out loud in public that I had a fiancee and that we were both women. It came as a shock to a lot of people including the person i'm talking to. He probably didn't expect to hear that from me.

The people who were listening to the growing commotion were surprised too!

I never announced my gender, I didn't believe people really had to know about it. Me and Mon were happy and we were content with what we had so It never bothered me before but seeing it now, of all times. I realized that the eyes of people were so unkind.
They were judging me.
Judging us and that's not fair!

Loving Mon was a choice that I made and I would never regret it.
Everybody assumed that I was straight and I believe that I am. Mon was just my one exception and I was hers. We both knew that and we never doubted that, but people were always ready to put labels and judge and point the blame.
We didn't deserve that! We are who we are. People don't have the right to step in and tell us who and what they think we are.
The only thing we've done was love each other and that could never be wrong.

I was proud of loving Mon and that's all that matters.
But still who would've thought everybody would find out this way? I thought it would be grander and for a bolder reason but I just made a declaration, and there's no turning back now)

P: and her parents?
S: at least an hour away. Even if I sent a chopper it would still be too late
P: Ok let me talk to them oh and Mon Luang can u pls ask your people to stop flooding me with calls? My office has been ringing non-stop for the past couple of minutes and it's taking away my staff from my other important phone calls.
S: I will. Thanks. I don't forget a favor
P: i'll be holding u unto that. Nothing an investment can't solve hahaha
S: ok. U have my number. Call me

I was finally able to speak to the doctor. I immediately asked them to explain what's happening.

He was trying to explain it as simply as he could but even then, my head wasn't processing it

We have managed to revive her, but we have not yet stabilized her. We need to undergo emergency surgery as soon as possible.

We have found that the patient had incurred Broken ribs, punctured lungs or pneumothorax, HIBI & potential brain damage.

We were lucky that CPR was done for the patient or she wouldn't have made it to the hospital but since we don't know the timeline from when the cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest had happened, we are unlikely to tell the extent of the damage to the patient.

The news was extremely suffocating!
Just listening to it made me want to cry!
Mon is suffering so much!
What should I do Mon?

S: what are her chances?
Doctor: as of the moment it is less than 30%. The more we delay, the more danger the patient faces and the more likely the brain damage becomes permanent.
Time is the most important factor.

Less than 30%
Brain damage

I felt like the world was pulling me down into oblivion again and just when I had just managed to regain my sanity.

I was doing all that I could just to continue living but why was the world so unkind to people like me?

Can you please tell me what to do Mon?


Author notes:

HIBI - Hypoxic ischemic brain injury
Pneumothorax - collapsed lung

If u want to understand Mon's situation in depth, you can research the medical terms stated above 🫣

How's everyone doing?

You were asking for Mon's update so there ya go 😅

how do u guys feel about chapter 31?

What do u think Sam will decide to do given Mon's chances?

Do u think Mon can have a successful surgery?

What do u feel about Sam's thought about them being straight?

Please do tell me ur comments and suggestions, u never know i might just use it for the next chapters 😋

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I'm happy to see that the views and votes are rising! That means a lot!

Some were asking so here's my twitter account : @SimpLyChA12 or u can find me via my username goldendarkness101

Hope u guys continue reading 🥺

Your lonely author
Cha 🤗

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora