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All I can think about is you Mon!

I missed you!

I'm coming!

I immediately hailed a taxi and asked to be sent to john hopkins.

I am so excited to meet u Mon!

There are a ton of things I wanted to say

I dont even know where to start!

Should I start by saying I miss you? I love u? Marry me?

My thoughts are moving way too fast for my body to react.

There's too many things I wanted to say Mon!

I was so restless!

Before I knew it, I arrived.

I tried to calm myself down.

I don't really know how Mon is doing so I need to slow down.

I need to ask how she was doing first! The rest can wait!

I didn't even know her room number so I had to go to the nearest nurses station to be guided to her room.

They didn't ask much questions. I introduced myself and they knew who I was.

It was impossible not to know when I called them everyday multiple times a day afterall.

When I came to Mon's room, she wasn't there.

I was told it was time for her therapy and I was thankful that I could use the time to catch my breath.

I looked around and smiled.

This room felt like Mon and I felt comforted by the fact that Mon was still the same :)

She still liked pink. There were little pieces of pink everywhere!

She still had her little habits.
She still leaves the window half open.

She also still had her favorite book by her bedside.

I'm happy that My MonMon seemed to have stayed the same as how I remembered.

Now everything feels just right!
I am hopeful to have you back Mon!

I sat down by the sofa and waited until she came back.

It didn't take long.
It took about an hour before I finally saw Mon and I immediately felt my tears fall.

I couldn't help it! I missed you so much Mon!

I immediately ran to her to hugged her but she was frozen solid.

She didn't hug me back.

Something is wrong.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

S: Mon?

M: i'm sorry i was just surprised. Do I know u?

S: Mon... (The devastation was showing on my face!
i was panicking now!
No no this must be a prank!
She was getting back at me for letting her suffer alone right?

Any minute now she'll tell me I got what I deserved then she'll hug me back...
I know she would!

Calm down Sam! Relax! Let Mon play for a while.
everything will be alright!
Just have faith!)

S: Mon... I'm sorry... Please forgive me already. This game is really cruel.

M: forgive? Game?
I really don't understand.

I'm sorry I have lost my memories due to an accident of some sorts so I don't really remember u.

Were we enemies before?
Is that you are suddenly asking for forgiveness?

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now