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M: since you're already here. Let me introduce u to my friends
From the left there's Taylor, Bryan, Laura & David
Guys meet Sam my girlfriend

(Sam was awestruck for a moment and showed the most beautiful smile as she looked at me! She was so pretty I almost kissed her!)

S: you just said girlfriend right?

M: did u expect me to hide you?

S: girlfriend is great but wife would be better 🥰

M: stop

S: yeah for a monent I forgot that I'm still mad at u!

M: Sam, let's talk later pls...

(The way Sam smiled made me flinch. I really hate this smile)

Gang: hey! Nice to meet you :)

S: So tell me whose plan was it to go here today?

M: Saaaam!
I'm sorry about her she's not really the social type

S: what? They have bad intentions Mon! I know they do!

M: Sam.

S: They're not allowed to stare at u!

M: Sam stop please

S: make me!

(I then dragged her to a faraway place. Me and and Sam have major issues right now and we can't hide it. The mood was so heavy it felt suffocating! We really needed to talk and it cannot wait!)

M: Sam please... Not now

S: what do u expect me to feel Mon?
U lied to me! You're even with people that I couldn't trust!

M: i know it's my fault and i'm sorry! I just...

S: just what?

M: i didn't know how to tell u.

S: so u decided to lie to me instead right?

M: Sam, how may times do i have to say sorry for u to forgive me?

S: I can never stay mad at u Mon... u knew that.
That's why u thought it was ok to do this to me right?

(The way she said that so calmly made me feel so heavy. It's better if you just got mad at me Sam)

M: why would u even think that?!

S: then what is it then Mon?
Make me understand why?!
Why did u choose to lie to me?!

M: I don't know! I told u I don't know!
Should I have stayed at home then Sam?
Is that what u want?!

S: how could u not know Mon?
All I want is to understand why. Is that so hard to ask?

U leaving was never the issue!
I never restricted your freedom!

M: why are u making this so difficult for me Sam?
I already apologized!
What else do u want from me?
If u want me to never leave home again just say so!

S: did i say that was what I wanted?

M: then what? What is it that u want?

S: I already told u Mon
i just want u to be honest with me!

I asked u a simple question and u can't answer! No you're choosing not to answer!
I just want to understand why Mon!

Why! Why did u have to lie? And why won't u tell me?!

M: I already told u that I don't know Sam! Why are u forcing me to come up with a different answer? I'm telling u the truth!

S: do u really see me as someone stupid Mon?

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now