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I heard someone chuckling behind us so I dreadfully turned around

God! How could I have flirted with her grandma right there! This is embarrassing!

I looked at her and then remembered, wasn't it that only one visitor was allowed in the ICU?
I mean i was sure that those were the rules. Even my parents were forced to go home
So how could she be here?
How did she manage to let them allow her to stay?

M: ugh lady grandmother, we forgot that you were still here. Sorry

G: hmmm... yes I noticed. It's ok. Carry on. I'm admiring the free entertainment. I miss seeing Sam so cute. Back home she was straight faced and grumpy. Not cute at all

That earned her another glare from Sam which I just laughed at
Seeing them like this, makes them look normal.
I can imagine how she treated Sam back when Neung and Song were still there

Sam being the youngest, meant she had the least pressure and responsibilities so she was free to be pampered, loved and sheltered.

I'm sure she was free to be herself back then which is way Sam was happier...but Neung and Song leaving, left Sam with intense pressure to carry the family line....

She had to sacrifice so much

she had to suppress everything and became who she was right now

I wish we could relive those moments when Sam was truly free and happy and then stay in it.

Sam was indeed cute and adorable back then.
I couldn't resist her

It was her smile back at fourth grade that made me fall madly in love with her

Now u can hardly see that smile, eclipsed by her fake masks and calm eyes

But my Sam was still there and I see that in her everyday :)

I am just blessed that she had fallen in love with me too.

I am happy that I get to see the side of her that she hides from everybody

I wonder when Sam can truly be set free again or if dreaming about it is even allowed.

All I know is that come what may

No matter what we have to go through, we will always have each other!

Realizing that I was again daydreaming, I focused my attention on her again and finally asked what I was so curious about

M: uhmm... how did u manage to let them allow u to stay?

G: I don't need their permission for anything. I just came in and checked to see, who would dare stop me.

I shook my head at that because she was really so overbearing!

Sigh! I thank God that she has accepted me or I don't know how long our battle would be to get her approval

This is the dominance that Sam had learned and applied throughout her life

Her grandma is right, though I hate her from the bottom of my heart
I also admired how strong and resolute she was

She raised Sam well

Sam wouldn't be who she was now without her

I was also kinda thankful that she was harsh on us because we both needed it

Nobody would have done it for us

Sam and I were struggling too but we wouldn't have tried to fix it to avoid making it worse

So she did help and we did owe her but still deep down I was still blaming her

I just wished she taught us through another way

I wished the lesson could have been less painful but she was right, I couldn't blame her for everything

Dying was my choice.

I didn't want to hear Sam's decision

I didn't want to see her let me go because I knew I couldn't afford to

I was scared of having a tomorrow without her so I ran away

Now look at where it led us

We just got hurt, wasted a whole lot of time and became miserable

I just managed to complicate everything by being weak and I had to accept that

That's part of growth too

Knowing you were stupid and then moving on

Now it's time to start another chapter
This time with Sam by my side

This time i promised, it'll be our road to forever


Hi loves,

Sooooo super short chapter i know ahahha
I just felt that this is the perfect end to their part 1 story

I am highly contemplating having a book 2

Should i create a book 2 guys? Or should i just continue here with a season 2 disclosure ahahaha

Im tempted fot book 2!!!

Hope u guys enjoyed reading!

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If u want to see my vids on the fanboom or what to hear me sing hahah ( who would ever want that lol ) you can visit my tiktok page @chachong7 and yes it is shameless plugging lol

You can also find me in twitter and instagram via Goldendarkness101/ SimpLyChA12 :)

Your sleepy author
Cha 😘

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