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(It all made sense to me now

I recalled the series of events and realized...
Everything was odd from the start!

Nothing could've happened without a cause!

But could it really be because of you grandma?

No no no Calm down Sam.
Don't jump into conclusions

Let's ask her first

Let it come from her Sam...

You could've been just overthinking everything.

She had no reason to do that.
She already approved of Mon so she wouldn't right?

Please tell me i'm wrong grandma)

S: grandma... I want u to be honest with me

Did u see Mon without telling me?

G: Sam, why are u like this?

S: because i need to know grandma.

I deserve the right to know the truth!

Please tell me.

were with Mon that day right?

G: how would i even know which day u were referring to?

S: do u really not know?

G: (she looked straight at me full of composure before she said she said) i don't know

(it didn't look she was lying to me so i was even more confused.

I know you're hiding something from me grandma.

Just what is it that u are not telling me?!

My gut feeling is telling me the answer..

My mind is screaming i was dumb for even doubting what u have done!

If not this, i dont know what else this could've been about.

There are no other potential answers!

What else could u have meant when u said intervention?

There's only one answer but I refuse to believe that you could have done this to me!

My grandma wouldn't ruin my life!

My grandma loves me!

she wouldn't do this to me!

so there definitely should be a different answer i'm not seeing!

My doubt know no bounds!

I'm just over reacting!

I'm sure that there's another explanation!

But why aren't u denying it?

Why aren't u telling me i'm wrong?

Please tell me grandma!

I need you to tell me!

Please deny it!

Please tell me i'm wrong!

I promise i'd believe it!)

S: grandma... You know all my life, i followed what u wanted me to do right?

U taught me everything I know...

I am who I am because of you.

I wouldn't forget how you've been there for us when our parents died.

You were there for me when no one else was and you raised me the best way u knew how.

that's something that i would never ever forget.

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now