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M: Sam remember the friends that I was talking to u about the other day?

S: yep what's up?

M: well they invited me out for dinner tomorrow

S: that's nice. can I come too?

M: no! U have a ton of work to do plus bringing my girlfriend on our first dinner meet is going to make things weird for everybody

S: they do know you're mine right?

M: who's yours?

S: you're mine Mon!

M: isn't it supposed to be the other way around Sam?
You haven't exactly taken me yet u know

S: just because u don't remember Mon, doesn't mean that all the traces I left on your body are gone!
You're still Mine! Every single inch of your body is mine!

M: you should at least try to make me remember!
(I mumbled too low for her to hear)

S: what was that Mon?

M: I said someone's being possessive haha

S: I don't share Mon! I hate it when somebody dreams of what's mine!
we're already each other's right Mon? You'll tell them about us right?

M: haha ok ok we're each other's Sam. Now calm down.
I promise that I will introduce u to them sometime soon ok?

S: that's a promise ok?
I won't forget!
I really expect to be properly introduced Mon

M: yep! i promise! But Sam, u gotta work on your social skills. You're well hmmm a little unique...

S: what? What do u mean by unique? Everybody loves me Mon! Aren't I loveable?

M: haha ok ok!
My most loveable girlfriend!
Just please make sure to be extra nice ok?

S: ok. But Mon, can I know their names for now?

M: why?

S: I want to make sure they're clean

M: what do u mean clean?

S: i just want to check their backgrounds a bit to make sure they approached you with the right intentions

M: Sam you're thinking too much! They will get nothing from me.
U keep forgetting that I'm not like u, u know.
I have nothing to offer them so there's no need to be overly calculating

S: that's not true Mon.

I told u, everything I have belongs to u too right?

M: uh-huh and presuming that I agree with that statement, how will they even know about it?
No one really knows u here either Sam

S: haha I may be more low profile here in the US Mon
But all the right people, know me

M: uh-hmmm and you're saying that there's a chance that they only befriended me to use me right?

S: you never know. It's better to be safe than sorry

M: wow thanks for the confidence boost!
I really felt your confidence in me with that statement

S: Mon u should know that I am your number 1 fan!
All that I do is just to make sure that you are safe and well
There are a lot of evil people in the world Mon
I'm just trying to protect you.
I don't want u getting hurt just because you're too trusting Mon

M: drop it Sam. That's going overboard.
I always want to choose to see the best in people
If i get hurt, i'll get hurt but I won't let my fear control me nor my life

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now