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It was one of those days.
Me and Sam were touring her new building.
We were busy trying to come up with plans together with the interior designer for how the design is supposed to look like.

Sam was really serious when she said she will use the same color theme for the entire building.

This is the first building that I have ever stepped on that was entirely black and pink to its core.

Sometimes I wanted to ask her if she is secretely a kpop fan and considers herself a blink because she is just that hardcore with her mindset.

It wasn't just the exterior that was done on that color, the entire interior from the lobby to the meeting rooms to the communal and even her own office really was painted black and pink.

The good thing was that the interior designer was crazy good at her job!
The different shades of the 2 colors was amazing to look at.
I was even amazed at how she had done so well! It exceeded all my expectations!

None of the black or the pink was overlapping with each other and it was done so that subtlety of the colors brought out the classiness of the interior pieces but still isn't it too much to have a building designed like this?

Sam doesn't even like pink so how could she work in this space?

I also can help but wonder if the new employees would find it annoying too.
Would any of them manage to last?
I'm sure if they could they would complain but who can they complain to really?
Sam would never hear any of it.

Is this really ok?
That got me wondering how her other offices and spaces looked like after seeing this crazy building.
Is it as over the top as this too?

M: Sam, are all your buildings like this?

S: what do u mean like this Mon?

M: uhm I mean do they all look the same?

S: nope. The interior on each of the buildings are quite unique from each other.

Some of them retained the same designs prior to me acquiring the company but for the most part they usually follow a different theme based on its location and purpose

M: no uh I mean the color

S: owww why do you like it?
I can change all of the buildings and offices so that they can follow the same color scheme and make it like a trademark if u like it that much :)

M: no no no!! I was just curious thats all.
It's great to know that they don't have the same color theme

S: why? Don't u like the color of the new building Mon?

M: I do but I just find it a little bit weird.
I mean this is your building so you should have it done based on how u prefer it to be and I know u don't necessarily like Pink Sam

S: silly. It's not mine. It's ours Mon. All that I have, all that I own is also yours.

M: what? Are u crazy? This is yours Sam.
Why are u saying this all of the sudden?

S: because it is the truth. Everything is yours too Mon.
That's the reason why I added your favorite color into the theme and design because I want u to know that I am seriously thinking about our future together.

M: Sam I know u love me and I really thank u for that.
No one has ever loved me like this before and I don't think somebody will ever do but don't u think this is a little too much?

s: Mon, I am only treating u like u deserve to be treated.

When u marry me someday you will own everything too and I don't want u to feel like it doesn't belong to you, that's why I'm adding pieces of you right now so u could get used to it and won't reject it

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