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Ivy Adair wasn't always the way she is now. She once felt happiness within her soul but throughout the years, Ivy found it hard to find that happiness come back to her. Ivy was an only child up for some years until her mom got pregnant when Ivy was 7 years old. However tragedy soon came over Ivy's family as her mom suffered a miscarriage. Ever since then Ivy's mother became extremely distant with Ivy and at some point just gave up on being her mother. Years has passed since then and Ivy is now 17 entering her senior year at her high-school.

"Shit shit shit" Ivy said while trying to squeeze into some pants. "You're getting late!!" Jade shouted. Jade was Ivy's cousin and also was her friend, only friend. "Coming!" Ivy said as she now rushing to put a hoodie on. Ivy bolted down the stairs and proceeded to go into her mom's car to go to school. Ivy didn't have her license yet so each and every morning, her and her detached mom would be forced into a tiny vehicle for a complete 20 minute drive. Ivy stared at the buildings as the car passed by them. She twirled with her hair strands and looked down to the floor. Jade was Ivy's only friend but she didn't attend the same school as Ivy, causing Ivy to be lonely. "I can't wait for this year to be over" Ivy said to herself as she watched her mom pull into her school's parking lot. A quick glance was exchanged between Ivy and her mom as she got out of the car and watched her mom speed away. "Lovely" Ivy said as she proceeded to walk up the stairs to her oh so beloved school. Ivy walked in and as normally went straight to her first class, English. Then before Ivy knew it she was in her mathematics class. Now she found herself at lunch. Time sped by fast for her since she never really spoke to anyone, she found herself on autopilot for majority of the school day. Most people don't even know she exists as she seemingly blends in. Ivy wasn't anyone special and deep down inside she always knew that. It's not like she hasn't tried making friends, Ivy has tried many things but only found herself finding things to hate about the people around her. Her depression was holding her back from enjoying her high-school years. Plus it was her last year, surely it was too late she thought.

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