Mateo 🌼

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I saw the girl yesterday. I tried to be nice to her but she was so fucking rude. At first I thought it was friendly banter but then it really settled in that she just didn't want to be my friend. Which is okay, I wouldn't force someone to be my friend but damn. I don't know what has happened in her life but the way she closes out people is concerning.

"MATEOOO" I hear another yell. Man why is my name being yelled nower days?

"Your friend is here!" I hear my dad shout out.

I go downstairs and see Lucas there holding a skateboard and a can of cola. "Lucas?!!" I say with slight shock since I didn't think he knew where I lived.

"Heyyy, I found your house finally" He says now opening the cola. "How??" I ask with a slight smile.

"I may or may not have taken a peep at your record in the principal's office" He says casually next to my dad. "Excuse me.. what?!!" I say taken aback.

Lucas starts dying of laughter and says "Nooo dude I saw you in this neighborhood yesterday, I live here as well" he says still laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as well. He really had me worried for a stalker for a second.



Since my first day of school was unfortunately on a Friday, today is technically my first official first day of school and week. I'm not as nervous since I've made so many new friends. I do hope I don't have to talk to that girl anymore. I don't even know why I'm thinking about her right now but she's really rude and I can see why nobody hangs with that sore thumb.

I head on down and say bye to my parents and siblings and get on my bike to head off to school.
I arrive just in time. "MATEOOOO" I hear Lucas say as he dabs me up. Man I love his energy.

"LUCCCASSS" I say back. Apparently too loud since I caught a glimpse of that girl giving me a dirty look across the hall. "What the fuck is her issue man" I accidentally blurt out.

"Who?" Lucas says now with a confused expression. I point to Ivy and Lucas sighs. "What did she do?" he asked while looking at her still. "I tried to be nice to her on Saturday when I came to the school to adjust my schedule and she was a total dick to me in return" I say quietly. "Man don't pay attention to her, nobody even notices her" he says punching my shoulder lightly.

I shouldn't be concerned about her.

I head off to the dreaded class I have with her. Science. I walk in and see the only seat available is next to her. I suck my teeth. I slowly walk over to the desk and shift my entire body from her. I notice from the corner of my eye that she isn't so happy about this either.

I'm a nice person but I won't get bullied or let someone walk over me.. not again.

A few minutes into the lesson and Ivy is called on.

"Ivy! Can you answer this question please?" Mr. Cameron speaks out. I can't help but look at her struggling to find an answer. I sigh and raise my hand. "No No Mateo I asked Ivy not you" Mr. Cameron says with a snarky smile. This teacher really dislikes her just like me.

10 minutes have passed. Jeez he is really making us all wait for her to answer. I look at her with a pity expression. She glances at me and shoots daggers with her eyes at me. I can't help but chuckle.

"Ivy, any day now" Mr. Cameron repeats. "Sir if I have to  be honest this is completely wasting our precious time learning this material" I hear a guy call out. I turn over and it's Jay. I know Jay, Lucas introduced me to him and apparently he is the baddest boy at this school. I think it's just talk.

"Well I hate to say it Jay but you're right" Mr. Cameron says with a sigh. "Now Mateo could you please tell us the answer" I hear him say. I quickly say the answer with a big smile and notice the expression of Mr. Cameron's face light up. "Excellent!" He says with a smile.

I glance at Ivy and laugh softly. "What's your issue" she suddenly whispers as she turns to face me. "What's my issue?" I whisper back to her.

"You're being such a dick" she says kinda loud. I notice a few people including Jay look over. "Oh of course you would know what being a dick is like" I say rolling my eyes. "What did I do to you?" she says while flicking a eraser shaving at me.

"For starters on Saturday you were so rude to me and I was only trying to be n-" before I could finish. "AHEM! This is still class Mr. Ford, we have 10 minutes remaining and I want total silence from the both of you or it'll be detention after school!" Mr. Cameron yells.

Me and Ivy quickly turn to face the board and I slightly move my desk away from her.

What a bitch.

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