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Before I could try to find out what the noise was I looked up and saw the chandelier fall almost as if in slow motion. I watched it horror as it dawned closer and closer making its way to crush me to bits. I try to move but my legs are weak and I accept my fate.

"IVYYY!" I hear Jay say as he pushes me out of the way just in time as the chandelier finally hits the ground shattering glass everywhere. I look at Jay in horror realizing he had just risked it all for me.

I turn around just to see Mateo is near me looking at me with horror. I watch as he slowly hesitates but decides to take some steps back. I lock eyes with him but he breaks the eye contact and just looks at the floor.

Nobody was hurt but the school still felt it wasn't safe to continue the dance, however not wanting to disappoint the students they decided to move whatever remaining time out in the courtyard. I watched as people continued dancing as the paramedics tended to me despite me not having any wounds. After they checked both me and Jay and any other nearby student the party resumed as usual. The chandelier was over 100 years old and decided to finally give out just right above me how lovely knowing my luck.

"Are you ok Sunshine?" I turn to see Jay is now sitting next to me trying to study my face as if he wants to study my thoughts. I give him a weak smile and shrug my shoulders. "I didn't move" I say while playing with my strands of hair.
"I saw the chandelier, yet I stood so still but not out of fear I wanted it to hurt me" I say softly trying to avoid eye contact. I feel Jay put his hand on mine. "I know Sunshine, but you shouldn't feel that way no no you can't feel that way."

I stare into his deep brown eyes and can't help but feel ashamed. What was I thinking? I was so ready to accept my fate and didn't even consider him or the people I care about. For a second Mateo's expression comes to mind but I quickly bury it deep inside me. He doesn't want anything to do with me anymore anyways.

"Thank you Moonlight" I say with a smile. Jays face lights up and I give him a small hug. "Sunshine there's something I need to say to you" He says while breaking our short hug. I look into his eyes waiting for an answer but he stops. "Not now" He says with a weak smile.

"However what happened between you and Mateo I seen how you two aren't talking tonight" He says trying to change the topic. "He confessed that he likes me and I didn't know how to react since I don't even know if I like him or not sooo he just stopped talking to me" I say with a sigh. I watch as Jay's eyes have a tiny sparkle appear in them almost as if he is intrigued by this news. "I don't think he wants to be my friend anymore, it's all messed up now" I say while kicking a pebble. Stupid pebble. "It'll be okay Sunshine, you got me still" He says squeezing my hand tighter.

I smile and see Mateo in the corner of my eye, it looks as if he's watching us but he quickly shifts his attention back to Sarah. I can't help but feel hurt but at the same time understand why he's doing this. He's hurt by me not having any sort of answer to him. I just don't have one right now. Plus I doubt he seriously likes me, if he did why did he wait so long. I was trapped in my thoughts before Jay looks at me and says "Sunshine do you want to get out of here?" with a wicked grin. I think for a second but then realize oh fuck it why not. I nod my head yes and he takes my hand.

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