The Dance

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   I couldn't sleep much after Mateo's confession. My head was too scrambled to even process what had just happened. He likes me. I told Jade everything and she flipped out saying she called it from our time at the carnival. Man am I that oblivious?

"Jade" I say to her as we are both getting ready. "What's up" She says while putting on her heels. "What do I say to Mateo?" I ask with a sigh. "Do you like him?" She says with a slight shriek.

I don't know if I do like him or not, he is a ray of sunshine.. Sunshine that's what Jay calls me. "I'm going to the dance with Jay" I repeat while clearing my throat. "Sooo you can like two people at the same time Ivy it's just a matter of who you're going to choose." Jade says with a shrug.

Choose? I wasn't even sure if I liked either of them truly in that way. Mateo is always so kind to me and has never been bad to me but I feel like I have known Jay longer and he has been so upfront with his intentions...

"I pick sleep!" I shout while trying to head back into bed. "NO you don't I worked hours on your hair" Jade shrieks at me. 

I grunt and check my phone to see notifications from Jay.

"Look outside your window" - Jay

I peek out my window and see him standing there with flowers. I smile a bit shyly and rush to open the door for him. "Hey Sunshine, where have you been I texted you last night" Jay says with a smile. I suddenly frown despite not wanting too. "Is everything alright Sunshine?" He asks while trying to dissect my emotions.

"Mateo likes me" I say softly. His eyes narrow and his chest tightens. "I know" He says to me with no emotion present. "You know?" I ask with confusion still afloat. "Jeez Sunshine, everyone knows" He says with a smile. My stomach has a knot forming. 

"Do you like him?" Jay says now breaking the silence. I nod my head no and say "I don't know" with a big sigh. I feel so confused. He was just Mateo my happy friend now he is Mateo the guy who admires me. 

Jay takes my hand and says "Well if you don't know then maybe I can distract you" with a weak smile. I felt guilt again, but I took his hand anyways and followed him to his car. He drove us to the school parking lot and took my hand again. For the first time I really took a notice of how he is dressed.

He's wearing an all black suit and vines printed on the jacket and he has a red flower in his jacket pocket. His hair is more wild and he smells of versace cologne.  I look at my dress again and notice his suit matches mine oh so well. He turns to look at me eyeing him and laughs. "Sunshine I don't know if you secretly looked into my closet and decided to find the most complimenting dress or if fate is on our side but you look amazing" He says while moving my hair strand.

I suddenly feel my chest get heavy and quickly open the car door to step out. "Let's go before the music stops" I suggest with a smile. Me and Jay make our way into the crowded ballroom which still has ancient decor. Jay takes my hand and we start dancing to the song "Adventure of a Lifetime" by Coldplay. 

I scan around the room and find Jade and Theo. My heart feels at ease seeing my cousin enjoy her time with Theo. She deserves the best after all. She sees me and rushes over with Theo. "Heyyyy!!" She says while hugging me tightly. "I just seen you Jade" I laugh while hugging her. "You must be Jay?" She says while eyeing him up and down. "Oh do you talk about me Sunshine?" He says with a smirk which makes Jade look at me like "omg". I turn a bit red and listen to Jay and the others chatter as my eyes catches something across the dance floor.

Mateo. He's with Sarah. My stomach feels a knot and I watch as he dances with her happily. Even after he knew she was the one who pushed me, it felt like a slap in the face. I try not to show that I'm hurt but Jay sees it. I watch as Jay looks at Mateo and Sarah and turns back to me. "He's doing that to fuck with you, you do realize that right?" He says in a irritated tone. I nod my head yes and can't help but keep watching the two dance. "Come on Sunshine who needs him anyways." Jay says as he spins me around while the song "Shut Up and Dance With Me" by WALK THE MOON plays.

I start dancing with Jay and soon forget Mateo. My laughter and smiles are so loud with Jay as he spins me and pulls me closer then apart. I look at Jay and realize how hard he is trying to cheer me up so I whisper softly "thank you". He smiles and goes close to my ear and says "My pleasure Sunshine". 

The rest of the night I didn't dare look at Mateo despite feeling his glance over me at times. I didn't want to see my then friend dance with the girl who quite literally tried to kill me by pushing me two flights. My eyes were on the so called bad boy who has been nothing but sweet to me. I look at his genuine happiness displayed on his face and admire each part of him. 

I suddenly made the mistake of looking at Mateo, he is holding her so close. He looks happy with her. Good for him I thought. Despite his confession for me it's clear what message he is trying to send to me. I ignore it though. I thought he was my friend but I guess you never really know people.

Jay looks at me and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. It makes me forget about what I was thinking and my eyes widen in shock. "Oh no I think I broke you Ivy" Jay says with a grin. He called me Ivy? AM I NOT YOUR SUNSHINE? "Yes you did Moonlight" I say with a smile. "Oh are we on matching nicknames basis now?" Jay says with an eyebrow raised. I chuckle at the sight of that when suddenly.


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