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The dance is now 3 days away. I doubt that I'm going to attend. Nobody has even asked me yet. I still have a dress in case Lucas or Mateo convinces me to come but I'm starting to think that's unlikely. Mateo hasn't texted me since Saturday and its now Tuesday. We have talked in class, but it feels like he's holding back for some reason I can't put my finger on. It hurts and I know he knows that it hurts me, but something is causing him to slip away, and I can't do anything but watch at this point. I mean it was fun while it lasted right? I made my way down to lunch as I saw Jay smiling hard. I couldn't help but smile back. He's still my friend so I'm glad. "Hey Ivy, you got anyone for that stupid dance yet?" he asks while holding my hands and swaying with them. "No not at all how about you Mr. womanizer?" I say with a smirk. Jay has a large fan base of girls which always seems to give me dirty looks now. Whatever.

"Wow you hurt me Adair" he says while rolling his eyes. "Are you free then?" he says. "Hmm I guess so you never know maybe someone will ask me" I say shrugging my shoulders. "Well let me save you that, just go with me sunshine" he says while winking at me which makes me kind of turn red but at the same time kind of cringe. I let out a big sigh and say "Ok fine but don't be late and you're picking me up and taking me home" I say with my arms crossed. He cracks into a smile as do I. He hugs me and I smell his vanilla scent and instantly swoon. He's attractive I can give him that. As we're hugging, he's doing that thing again where he suddenly hugs tighter and longer. I think nothing of it. "Ok let's eat Iv" he says pulling back finally from me. Me and him then went out to eat and stayed together until it was time for classes again. At the end of the day, he was waiting for me to take me home. I still haven't spoken to Mateo, so I felt sadness. Does he hate me?

On my way to the parking lot, I stopped as I saw Mateo. "Mateoooo" I say while waving my hand. He stops and turns to look at me. A smile grows on his face but then quickly starts to fall. He comes over to me still. "Hey Ivy" he says with a slightly bland tone. I'm not used to this. "What's wrong have I done something?" I ask him with eyes pleading for an answer. Instead, he shrugs his head no. "No, it's not you it's something else I'm sorry" he says while walking away. Wow. I felt as my heart started to shatter piece by piece. I hold back tears as I walk away faster towards Jays car. As soon as I'm inside I slam the door and tell him to go. "Are you ok sunshine?" he asks a bit more concerned. "Yes, I'm fine just take me home please" I say to Jay as I look out the window to see Mateo from afar looking at me but as soon as our eyes meet, he turns around and walks the other way. Why is he like this? "Forget him sunshine he's nothing but fake" Jay mutters under his breath. I say nothing and just lay my head against the headrest and try to nap. Why is Mateo mad at me? I did nothing to him. I even said sorry.

I somehow dozed off in Jays car. Before I could know it, I was awakened to Jays face inches from mine trying to wake me up. "There you are, for a minute I thought I had to call the paramedics" Jay teased as he backs away allowing me to awaken. "How long have I been asleep for?" I ask him while yawning. "Oh just 2 hours" he says with a grin. "2 HOURS?" I say in a wild gasp. "You let me sleep for that long??" I say while panicking. "You looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you but eventually I had to wake you up so I could also go home" Jay teases. "You could've woken me up sooner I'm sorry Jay" I say a bit sad. His expression goes from playful to concern in minutes. "Are you okay?" he asks me, and I shake my head no. "Why does Mateo hate me?" I ask him. I could see him wince from my question. Almost like he hated the words coming out of my mouth. He ignores my question and helps me up instead. Me and him silently walk to my front door when he asks, "can I come in?" which startles me. "What for and didn't you say you had to go somewhere?" I ask him while narrowing my eyes. "It'll only be for a few minutes I just never seen your room before and I want to see where I'm bound to spend more nights in" he says to me while looking directly into my soul. "Excuse me WHAT" I say while turning red and frustrated. Jay starts dying of laughter and says "I'm kidding sunshine, jeez you're so easy to tease it's cute honestly" he says while wiping away imaginary tears. I watched as he walked back to his car which I gotten admit it's a nice expensive looking car. It was a black Bugatti and man did it sound good. Jay was well off, his dad is a businessman while his mom is a lawyer. Must be nice.

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