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Ivy sat down at a table by herself and munched on an apple. She always found lunch period amusing as she often eavesdropped onto conversations. Since Ivy had a zero social presence, she never had to worry on whether or not people judged her. She simply didn't exist to others. She decided to pull out her laptop and start on her physics homework, after all she needed to get out of her mind so she didn't have to do it later. Ivy eyes were locked onto her computer as she worked as she had already finished her food.

Mateo wasn't opposed to a new school, he had just wished that he could finish his last year with his friends. Mateo loved his life with his old friends, and city and most importantly old environment. He felt nervous about the move since it was during the middle of the school year. Regardless, Mateo knew he would finish the year strong and make even more friends. Still he felt a bit of dread in his stomach as he walked into the school. "So this is it" he wondered to himself as his eyes travelled around the hallways. "Ohh you must be Mateo!" a short woman with a ponytail said with a grin on her wrinkly face. "I'm assistant principal, Mrs Wilker. Mateo now startled but gives a reassured smile back to the woman. "So sorry the actual principal couldn't give you a proper welcome, Im afraid he is swarmed with meetings." She said gazing at Mateo almost as if she was studying him. "Ah no need for that, Im fine with whoever greets me" Mateo said with a even bigger smile. Mateo looked around curiously as Mrs Wilker showed him around the school. When suddenly "Ah here we are, this is the cafeteria, currently it's your grades lunch period . I'll let you get a bite to eat and then we will finish this tour some other time. Sounds good? Ok! Cya soon Ford!" Mrs Wilker said rushing away before Mateo could even comprehend what she had just said. Mateo entered the large cafeteria and gazed around the room. His eyes locked onto a peculiar boy. "Hi?" the boy said now staring at Mateo. "Oh sorry I'm new" Mateo said now aware of his obvious glance. "Ohh? New kid, this late into the school year?" the boy eyeing Mateo for a response. "Yeah, my parents thought a change would be better, so yeah" Mateo said now feeling slightly awkward. "Well my name is Lucas, nice to meet you.... what's your name?' Lucas said with a grin. "I'm Mateo, nice to meet you as well". Mateo said as he and Lucas started to now have a full blown conversation.

"RINGGGGG" the sound that the bell made. "Fuck" Ivy thought to herself, lunch was over and she barely got to finish her homework. "I was so close" she said to herself with a grunt. She hurried to pack up her laptop and go to her next class as she glanced at a boy with blonde hair. Due to Ivy's zero presence she made herself familiar with all the students at her school. This boy was new, she had never seen him before. Ivy quickly forgot about her thoughts and rushed to her last period. "Hello class now before we begin I'd like to introduce a new student" Mr Cameron said with loads of enthusiasm. Ivy suddenly thought of the blonde hair boy. There he was, blonde haired with blue nearly green eyes. As Mateo walked in he could feel the anxiety built up from within but still he said "Hey I'm Mateo Ford I just moved here from New York" with a smile. Ivy judged him. "He's way too happy to be here" she said to herself. Ivy chuckled to herself about that thought of hers. "Excuse me?" a voice said. Ivy looked up and saw it was Mr Cameron shooting daggers with his eyes at her. Ivy quickly sank her in seat.

After class, Mateo found his new best-friend Lucas who introduced him to even more friends. Mateo felt at ease since he didn't have to worry about having friends now. While talking to Lucas and his now large group of friends he sees Ivy in the corner of his eye. He looks at her and turns to Lucas. "Who is she?" he asked Lucas with a confused facial expression. "Oh that's Ivy, she doesn't really talk much." Lucas said. "What do you mean, doesn't really talk much?" Mateo said, now intrigued more than ever. "Uh basically everyone hardly sees her with anyone else and whenever someone tries to approach her, she kinda just closes them out." Lucas said, now analyzing Mateo as to why he is so curious about her. "Oh so a introvert?" Mateo said now thinking hard. "Yeah basically" Lucas said trying to end this awkward conversation. Mateo turns back to the rest of the group and the conversations goes swiftly. Mateo found himself thinking about what Lucas said to him about the Ivy girl. In some ways he found a similarity to her. At some point, Mateo wasn't so bubbly. After Mateo lost his twin sister, he found himself stuck in a endless depression loop. Despite his loss he found a way to bounce back and fight his inner demons. He still feels the way he did before but channels his emotions into positivity instead. Mateo had become one of the most positive human beings, well at least in his mind. Since he heard about Ivy's social dilemma he found it within himself to help her enjoy again, if she lets him.

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