< Ivy >

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I didn't want to go to school during the weekend. Then again I don't think anyone wants to go during the weekend. Lucky enough for me to get detention on a Saturday! It wasn't my fault that blonde boy's introduction sounded like a children's tv actor trying to impress a 3-year old sticky child. If it wasn't for his Disney channel type of introduction I wouldn't have laughed and got myself detention but oh well.

I walk into the school and head for the dreaded classroom I'll be spending 2 HOURS in. Without thinking my steps somehow starts to get slower and slower. I did NOT want to go. As I turn to get into the classroom I see that blonde boy. Why is he here? Did he get into trouble on his first day? Kinda weird ngl. Maybe he's a serial killer... or not.

"Oh Hey!" he says to me with a bright smile. I'm not used to such a happy human. It's kinda freaky.

"Hi.." I say while fidgeting with my pocket.

"I'm Mateo, nice to meet you" He says while still smiling.

"Yeah I kinda know your name." I blurt out without thinking. Damn I'm so rude. Despite my rude remark his smile still remains.

"Oh bahahah yeah I forgot my bad, what's your name?" He says now with a blank stare with eyes that I swear are sparkling.

"Ivy" I respond. I examine his body as we are speaking and notice that he is quite tall, athletic yet slim built and has a weird mark on his arm. Looks like a scar of some sorts.

"Well why are you here?" Mateo says.

"Excuse me?" I respond shooting daggers at him with my eyes. He has some nerve asking me that.

"Nooo like why are you at school?" He chuckles. My face quickly flushes with embarrassment.

"Detention" I quickly say as I stiffen up my body.

"Oh so you're a bad girl" He teases while rocking back and forth. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Aye why the long face? I'm only messing with you Ivy" He says with a smile brighter than the fucking stars.

"Well I must be on my way now cya later Mateo" I say as I sped walk past him. I turn back and see him dancing? No that can't be right. Nope I stand corrected he is dancing down the empty hall way. What is he? A ballerina? As I'm about to look away I catch him turning back to see me. He makes a silly face and then walks away if it nothing happened.

Was he trying to make me laugh?
30 minutes into detention and I already wanna die. Nothing to do. The teacher is just snoring. There is two other boys in detention along with me. I've never gotten detention before so I didn't expect to be sitting around doin absolutely NOTHING for hours. I laid my head on my right arm on my desk and looked at the two boys. Jay, the schools "bad boy" (yuck) everybody knows why he has detention. Last month he decided to pull the fire alarm as a joke. Well his joke landed him 1 month of weekend detentions. My eyes slowly drifted to the other boy. Theo. Theo was my crush back in 9th grade. We have never spoken to each other but I've always found him attractive. I'm not sure why he is in detention, he's a goody two shoes if you ask me.

"Hey bug eye" I hear a voice call out as I'm about to sleep.

"Huhh" I respond with a tiny bit of drool hitting the desk from my mouth.

"Over here" My eyes awaken to see Jay and Theo above me. I quickly jolt up.

"We were thinking about leaving since the teacher is knocked out wanna come?" Theo says. "Or you can stay here, your choice but know that detention ends in 10 minutes anyways. He says.

"I'm coming" I say with a slight grunt. I'm so tired.

All three of us secretly grab the door handle and escape the dreaded classroom. I let out a sigh of relief.

Finally. "FREEEDOM!" I blurt out, without meaning to. I watch as Theo and Jay look at me with blank stares. I've forgot that I'm the quiet person so.. them hearing me yell most likely startled them. ehh...

I give a awkward smile and slowly walk away. Ughhh why am I so awkward.

"Hey wait up" I turn and see Jay now running over to me.

"Why are you following me" I say while staring at him.

"I don't know you" He says.

"Wow shocker" I respond trying to walk even faster. First the blondie now him. Why are men so icky to me right now.

"Not like that, It's just I've never really known you. Like I know you exist but I haven't heard anything at all about you." He says with a wicked smile.

"Uh well I like to keep to myself" I respond with a weird feeling in my stomach. Is this anxiety? Or the burritos I had last night.

"I was wondering if we could be friends" He says with a smile. I don't trust it one bit. "What are you scared of me?" He says with a chuckle.

"I have to go home now, bye" I say as I'm heading out of the school. I turn around and see that he isn't following me anymore. Maybe I was too harsh. I just can't make friends. I don't know why.

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