Mateo 🌼: Spite

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          As soon as the bell rang, I grabbed my backpack off the floor and tried my best to ignore this strange girl. I took a glance over at Jay and noticed he wasn't at all staring at me but in fact staring at Ivy. I shouldn't feel weird about that but at the same time I couldn't help but feel a bit confused. I decided to shrug the thought anyways since that's not my business on whatever Jay is up too but still I find myself oddly invested. So I walk over to Jay. "Heyy" I say to him as we are both now exiting the classroom. I noticed his eyes still looking at Ivy. "What's up" Jay says with not one trace of a grin on his face. Wow this school is filled with sadness. "Mr.Cameron is a douche for what he did to that girl don't you think" My question being bait to see how he would react. "Yeah I fucking hate his class he's always pulling that kind of shit, you're lucky he doesn't hate you." he says while now smiling. I couldn't help but laugh a bit "Oh come on he surely isn't that bad.. I just think he's passionate" I say while laughing even more. "Jayyy" I hear a voice call out. I turn to see a short red hair girl with cold green eyes. I couldn't help but glance at her outfit and noticed most if not all of her accessories super expensive. I wait for Jay to introduce us but he doesn't so I ruin the silence with "Hey I'm Mateo I'm new nice to meet you" I say while putting my hand out for a handshake. She looks at me up and down and smiles "Hi Jay I'm Sarah nice to meet you as well. Maybe this is a new friend for me. After a bit of conversing with Jay and Sarah we eventually turn into a bigger group as Jays group and Sarah's group joins the party.

       I turn my head to notice Ivy and couldn't help but to talk to her. I silently slip out of the group and head up to Ivy only to see her crying. I stop in my tracks and wonder if this is even in my place to comfort her or not. I call out "Ivy" and I watch as she turns around startled by my presence. "Are you ok?" I say while also keep my distance from her personal bubble. Don't wanna make her feel uncomfortable. Her eyes softens as she shakes her head no. I ask if it's it ok if I hug her and she falls into my chest sobbing her eyes out. At this point we are standing in the schools garden. Me hugging her gently as she cries and cries in my arms. At some point I couldn't help but to hug her tighter. We stayed like this for a few more minutes before she pulled away and tried to recollect her thoughts. I gave her the most sincere look of concern for her but in return she quickly tries to control her emotions again. "What has gotten you this upset?" I ask now standing a bit far from her. "No we aren't doing this you don't have to worry about me" she says as she tries to adjust her self quickly. "Why are you like this" I blurt out without thinking. Yikes that came out wrong. Her eyes widen a bit but goes back to her normal tired look. "I don't have friends ok" she says with a look of I can swear is embarrassment. "You don't have friends?" I repeat in shock. "You're telling me not a single person is your friend?" I say taken aback, I knew she was a loner but to think that she had nobody at all no wonder she was rude to me. "Yes I don't I mean I have my cousin but I don't think that counts since she doesn't attend this school" she says while now kicking some pebbles. "I could be your friend only if you say sorry" I say with a smirk on my face knowing how annoying it is to her. "Why would you want to be friends with me when you're popular." she says and I couldn't help but to laugh. "What? What's so funny" she says while shooting me a dirty look but I couldn't help laughing more. "Ivy do you really think I care about being popular, my only interest is making friends." I say while trying to contain myself. "Well ok then we could try to be friends but don't go around telling people we're besties" she says with still a blank expression. I have yet to see her smile. I watch as she walks away and notices her long brunette almost black wavy hair bounce and flow with each step.

    I turn around to see Jay. Of course Jay was there but for how long? "Hey jay!" I say while picking up a weird looking rock and throwing it into a nearby puddle of water. "So you and Ivy huh" he says with a blank expression. Why does he care? He doesn't even talk to her let alone acknowledges her presence. "We are friends now" I say while trying hard not to sound egotistical. "You became friend with her? I find that hard to believe" He says while smirking. "She is a tough cookie but I think she's a nice person just misunderstood" I say while now closer to him. "Well I don't really care if you're friends with her but between me and you keep it that way" he says with a grin bigger than any of the ones I made. Startled by this I look at him like what?? "Uh why?" I ask while looking at him as if he's crazy. "Don't worry about the why just don't pursue her" He says while going back to his normal blank face. The conversation ended there as I watched him walk away back into the school building. I couldn't help but wonder why did he care? I didn't like Ivy, not in that way but why did it concern him if I did. Does he like her?

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