Leather Fits

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*It's been a month since I've written in my diary. Things are still as they are. Mateo and I have grown closer ever since that day at the coffee shop but it feels as if so has me and Jay. I still don't have any other friends besides those two which makes sense because who would be friends with me. It's almost time for the annual school dance and I know nobody will ask me. It would be foolish of me to expect anyone too. I'm just me. Being me is horrible. My own mother hates me and my own father can't be asked to even call me. I sank into my chair realizing how things don't get better. Mateo is a friend and Jay is a friend maybe even Lucas but why do I still feel incomplete. At school I started to smile more but it feels like I'm pretending and nobody can even tell that I am. I'm sick of this.*

"Ivy" I hear my cousin call out. Jade. I haven't seen her in forever. I wonder how she will react when she finds out I made not just one but two friends. I stare at my clothes in no hurry since it's only a saturday. I decide to finally put on a somewhat cute outfit with a cute turtleneck and cargo pants matched with a leather jacket. "Nice" I said to myself. I also added some makeup and a silver necklace my dad gave me before he became the travel maniac he is now. Even though I kind of despise him now this necklace is from the version of him I hold in my heart. I walk downstairs as I see my mom laying on the couch drinking vodka. I don't say anything to her as usual. I see my cousin Jade and my eyes light up. "IVY!!! You look so good!! Did something happen to my little cousin?" Jade exclaims a little too loud which makes my mom grunt. "Little?? I'm only a year younger" I say with a sigh. "TELL MEEE" Jade squeals causing her boots, pink necklaces to make a shit ton of sound. "Ok ok I made two friends" I whisper to her. Jade smiles so brightly and hugs me "Finallllly" she says while hugging me still. I couldn't help but turn red. Before I could say anything more I heard a beep.

"Ivy whatcha doing" - Mateo.
"with my cousin gonna hang"- Ivy
"Can I come🥹" - Mateo
"No" - Ivy
"No fun!"- Mateo
"Sorry" - Ivy
"Please?😦" - Mateo
"Fine" - Ivy
"Text me the deets" - Mateo
Oh please deets?? Is this 2012 or... "Who are you texting" I hear Jade say, kinda forgetting she was there. Uh my friend he wants to come along is that ok? "He??" she squeals louder causing my mom to yell at her to shut up. "Sorry!" Jade says as me and her move to the front porch instead. "So can he come?" I ask softly. "Duh!" she exclaims happily. Yay.

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