Crumble * Mateo *

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        She cried on me again. I don't know why I'm so invested in her but I am. She is so sad all the time. She thinks nobody notices but truth be told everyone does. It's why people avoid her most of the time. She looks tired everyday, her smiles are never with her eyes. I just wish I could make her pain go away but I'm not even sure what that pain is in the first place. I watched as she walked home with her cousin. I watched once more as her hair bounced and her wavy hair started flowing in the windy night. I let out the biggest sigh within as I finally turned around and started walking the other way. I looked back to see her still walking, away from me. I finally let go of the smile I've been wearing all day and head home. By the time I'm in the house it's midnight. Everyone is asleep already. I head up to my room and lay in bed awake. I can't sleep. How can I? What she said abou.l. her mom shocked me to the core. How could a mother act like that? What's her reason for hating Ivy? Why do I even care? She doesn't want me to care so I shouldn't but I do. It's been a day since the carnival and I can't get the image of Ivy almost falling out of the teacup out of my head. I wonder if she's doing alright. Before I could say anything more I heard. "MATEOOO" my older brother Finn said. Ugh. "What is it Finn?" I say still tired. "Let's go out today baby bro" Finn says with a smile as I see he is waiting with my two other brothers. Finn was around 23 years old. Way older than the rest of us. I'm 17 years old, my other two brothers; Cameron was 21.Justin was 19. So me and my twin were the youngest until.. "Come on Mateo you're so slow in deciding tell us or we're going" I hear Justin shout out. "Fine I will go only because I'm bored" I say while smiling deviously. I watched as my older brother rolled his eyes. I quickly went back to my room and threw on grey sweats matched with a white t shirt and a black flannel jacket. I threw on my dunks and quickly bolted down the stairs then outside to my brother's car.  I have a car as well it's just in the shop since I had an accident in it.. "Where are we going again?" I finally ask Cameron. "The mall of course" Finn says while smiling. Great the mall. It's like this town has zero attractions or something besides that dreadful carnival. We finally arrive and we stayed together the first hour but after that we all drifted into different stores. I found myself in an old retro store looking for some jeans to wear. When all of a sudden I hear. "Oh hey Mateo" I turn around and see it was Jay again. Great. "Hey oh what's your name again I kinda forgot" is what I really wanted to say instead I said "Oh hey Jay." with a smile. I've always chosen kindness ever since.. my twin, I just found it as the most beneficial way to live, kindness. Jay looks at me for a second and then continues with "so how are you and Ivy?" he asks while looking at a vintage shirt that looks amazing and should be in my cart not his. "Why do you care so much? Just ask her out instead of bothering me." I say trying to ignore the slight hurt ness from my own comment. "You think she would go for me?" Jay says with a sparkle in his eyes. I regret my damn words. It's her decision not mine I tell him as I walk to the other section. "Well do you like her?" he asks again. What the fuck is his issue he's like obsessed with her. "No I don't are you happy now?" I say biting my tongue, knowing I didn't mean it in the slightest. I watch as his face turns smiley and he walks away with his head in the clouds. What a weirdo. Bad boy? My ass.

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