Chapter 6

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Sydney's POV 

Well, that escalated quickly. 

I tried to move around the swarm of bodies surrounding me on the dance floor looking for Quinn. Our day of drinking started with multiple mimosa flights and two charcuterie boards, which led to Mexican food and margaritas and eventually carried us into the club that always had a DJ playing on Friday nights. So here we are, Quinn is going to murder me but at least my last day on earth was a fun one.  

The tequila was buzzing through my body to the beat of the music and made my head dizzy, I felt so carefree of all the thoughts that had filled my head the last few days when I noticed a tall, broad man through the crowd and my breath hitched. He had sandy brown hair and for a flash of a moment as he turned around I saw hazel eyes caught in my blue ones as my knees wobbled underneath me. I shook my head and the hazel eyes turned to brown ones and the sandy hair was closer to a dirty blonde but they saw my attention on them and quickly moved toward me through the sweaty bodies. 

"Hey," he shouted over the music as he reached me. 

"Hi back," I smiled trying to recover from whatever had just happened to my brain and body.

"Wanna dance?" he asked, smiling a cocky smile, as annoyed as it made me the distraction was welcomed. 

"If you think you can keep up." 

He placed his hands on my hips and we started moving to the music. I kept my eyes on our bodies and felt the heat radiating off him as he pulled me closer. I was lost in the fogginess of my memories and the heat of the club as we swayed our bodies back and forth. My eyes moved slowly up to his and between the mix of the emotions and the booze, Brooks's face filled this stranger's. I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to remind myself that this wasn't real, he wasn't here, it was just the alcohol talking but I smelled his scent, and felt the arms around me and it was as if I had been transported back to a time where my heart was whole and everything felt safe. It was overwhelming and I fell further into the fantasy. He placed his strong hands on each side of my face and as his lips touched mine I was instantly forced back into reality by the taste on his tongue. My mouth was filled with the remnants of cheap rum and nothing like the boy that once had filled my stomach with butterflies and body with warmth. 

I pushed myself back and the cocky smile covered the guy's face once again before he noticed the unsteady expression on my face. He reached back out for me, concern in his eyes, "You okay?" 

I shook my head, "Yeah, sorry, I need some air." And before he could respond I was pushing my way through people before I busted out the side door of the club and onto the smoker's balcony. I leaned against the rail and gulped in the air. What the fuck was that, I thought to myself, my chest heaved and my hands trembled as tears threatened my eyes. I blinked them away rapidly and took a few more deep belly breaths as I turned around in search of Quinn. I needed to get out of here. My legs felt wobbly but I wasn't sure if that was from the booze or the mind games my own head was playing with me. 

I finally found her leaning against the bar yelling out for a shot of Fireball and I chuckled, at least I won't be to blame for the vomiting she will do later. I grabbed her shoulder as I squeezed in between her and the girl to her left. "Hey!" she yelled with a laugh, "where the hell have you been?" I could tell by the gleam in her green eyes that this wasn't her first Fireball shot.  

"I went out to get some air, it's hot as hell in here." but she could see the distance in my eyes. 

"You good?" she asked staring more intently, even drunk she picked up on the strange energy surrounding me. 

"Yeah, of course," I waved her off, the bartender handed her, her shot and I ordered one of Patron, he quickly came back with the clear liquid and handed me a lime, " one shot for the road?" I asked Quinn, which was the tagline to the other that we were ready to go. 

"Took the words right out of my mouth." we both down the liquor from our glasses, paid our tab, because you know, we are responsible adults, and pushed our way to the door. 

The minute we hit the air outside I felt a chill wash over my skin, what was with me tonight? I couldn't shake the emotions that wanted to bubble to the surface and normally tequila, dancing, and a handsome man would shove them away until morning. 

As we climbed into our Uber Quinn smacked her head on the top of the car and started bursting with laughter and thankfully it was just the distraction I needed from the tension growing in my chest. "Are you okay?" I choked out over the giggles. 

"No I fucking concussed myself," she whined with laughter as she rubbed her head, "I blame you for this." 

'Oh, yeah, 'cause I dumped the shots down your throat." I rolled my eyes. 

"You're trouble Sydney Graves, but you're my favorite kind." 

I flipped her off, Quinn tended to get really sentimental while she was drunk and normally we were both drunk enough to get sappy together but tonight, whatever was going on inside of me felt different and I was afraid the emotions that were going to come out of me were a lot more deeply rooted than some drunken gratitude for my best friend. It felt like every ounce of the past was going to drown me if I let it out even the slightest bit. So I deflected. 

"Yeah, yeah, I love you to bitch, now lay your head back so you don't ruin my Uber rating by puking in this car." 

AN: Syd seems a little off-kilter, what do you think about our girls' day drinking extravaganza haha? 

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