Chapter 28

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Brooks's POV

I walked into The Graveyard first thing Monday morning and all I see is Sydney in her ripped-up bibbed overalls, combat boots, and dark hair swooped up on top of her head, standing next to two boxes of gas station donuts and surrounded by a group of construction workers, MY construction workers with a big smile on her face and every ounce of her glowing. 

Phil and Jay the older guys on the job were looking at her with adoration, and the other three were looking at her with heart eyes and drool practically running down their chins. It instantly pissed me off. She hasn't been here one damn day and she's already distracting them. 

They are good guys, and hard workers but of course, Sydney Graves is in the building, and everyone stops what they are doing to hang on to her every word. What pisses me off even more is that I can't blame them. Sydney has this way with people, making them feel seen and heard, giving them all of her attention every time they speak. It's as if she takes the time to truly see every person she meets. It's annoying and addicting all at the same time. But this is business and standing around fighting for the attention of a beautiful woman isn't what they get paid for. 

The minute she speaks to me I can tell she's ready for a fight. Asking me if I want to eat a donut from the gas station. I'd rather eat the dead grass that's under the snow outside. But again, I don't have the time today to stand in battle, I've got work to do and a meeting at 1 this afternoon. 

After going through the plans for the demo this week with Phil, which includes, taking out the old kitchen equipment, completely gutting the bathroom, and ripping up the broken tile on the floor, I feel confident in the schedule. "Alright, if you have any issues or need anything you know where to find me," I tell Phil before I turn to head out the door. 

"Aw. You're not staying to help? You looked like you dressed for a day of demolition." Sydney's words dripping with sarcasm as she looks at me with a fake pout. 

I hear a couple of the guys laugh softly at her words and my muscles tense. 

I straighten my shoulders, "I've got meetings at the office today. These boys will handle the job just fine." 

"I'm sure they will," she smiles tapping a hammer gently into her palm," Besides we wouldn't want you to mess up your fancy suit by getting your hands dirty Mr. Dawson." 

I don't know what comes over me, maybe it was the way she kept calling me Mr. Dawson or that fucking smirk on her face but before I realize what I'm doing I throw my suit jacket off my shoulders and toss it on top of a broken stool by the counter. I move quickly toward her, rip the hammer from her hands, and smash it three times into the plaster wall she was standing by. Pieces of it go flying and the dust powders the air, her and myself. I'm inches from her, knowing damn well we are making a scene but proud that these guys are all actively ignoring it. They obviously want to keep their jobs. 

I move in closer, towering over her small frame as I clench my jaw, "Dirty enough for you Graves?" 

Her breath hitches and my skin tingles as she recoils quickly, and licks her bottom lip before she says," Don't hurt yourself Boss Man." then she pushes past me grabbing a shovel to begin scooping up the debris coming from the demo in the bathroom. I stand there for a couple of minutes recatching my breath before I toss down the hammer, grab my jacket, and walk tensely out the door. 

The air outside cools the heat in my cheeks but does nothing for everything I feel inside. It's like I'm a live wire and Sydney Graves is the electric current. I just hope that the heat it creates doesn't burn us both and this building to the ground. 


I managed to make it through my meetings, only thinking about Sydney twice, a part of me was worried she would end up getting herself hurt working on the job and the other part couldn't help the heat that built inside me at the sight of her today, chest heaving, lips wet, hair messy...Sydney had always been the most beautiful girl I had ever seen but a woman, she's even more deadly. 

I shake the thoughts away once again and remind myself I am taken and going to be late if I don't get my ass home and changed. To make up for the other night I made reservations at the restaurant Courtney had been talking about in Fishers, but since it's a Monday I'm hoping we can skip the after-hours club she was hoping to hit. 

I run up the steps to my apartment, shower, change, and sprint back down before I head to Courtney's. She lives across town in a small addition of newer builds but I couldn't help but notice as I drove through town the lights still on at The Graveyard. It was almost 6:30 in the evening, Sydney's car was the only one left outside and even though my head knew that I was already late to get Courtney I couldn't stop whatever part of me decided to pull in. I sat there for a minute, hesitating, unsure if I should go in there or if I should say screw it and continue with my night but I was curious. What the hell could she possibly still be doing here? 

As I stepped out onto the sidewalk I could hear the vibrations of the music that was blaring from inside and it brought a smile to my face. I'm truly amazed she's not deaf yet, as loud as she has always listened to music, even when we were kids. 

I made my way to the door and saw her immediately through the window, she was sitting on a tarp in the middle of complete destruction, her combat boots tossed to the side, a bottle of wine next to her, and what looked like takeout from The Tavern. She was swaying to the music, looking around at the space with pure joy in her eyes, and doodling things into a notepad. 

It was nice to see her like this, with her walls down, not angry or defensive, sarcastic or smug, she just looked happy. 

I didn't want to take that away from her and since she's been back it seems that my presence puts Sydney's walls up faster than she can blink, so after standing there staring for another moment, I turn around and head back to my Jeep. 

Just as I open the door, my Bluetooth rings, Courtney is calling, I'm sure wondering where I am and I'm reminded once again, that my life isn't one fit for a woman like Sydney, her life is meant to be filled with unfiltered joy whereas mine is simply getting by. 

I'm not a victim of this life or the choices I've made, I accept them as I own but I can't deny that all of this is making me question whether or not that is actually enough anymore, or if it ever really was. 

AN: Things are getting heated up around here! Are we warming up to Brooks? 

How are we feeling friends?!

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