Chapter 32

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Sydney's POV 

I stare at Brooks and catch the way his jaw clenches at my dig about the "board" he loves to throw around when making business decisions. I find it amusing but also a perfect opportunity because the little house south of town I looked at this morning was in ROUGH, shape. I've already taken on one project, two may just send me over the edge. So I gracefully declined and then proceeded to douse myself in hand sanitizer the minute I jumped back into the new little Honda Accord I decided to lease. 

"You interested?" Jake asks sounding delighted but I am still caught in a stare-down with Brooks I refuse to lose so eyes still on him I say, "Yes. How fun would it be to be neighbors?" And that's when Brooks concedes pulling his gaze from mine and waiting for Jake's response. I silently celebrate my victory as my eyes follow and give Jake my most sincere smile, which isn't hard because I genuinely like Jake. He seems like a good guy, unlike Frankenstein over here who grunts, groans, and pouts around like if he smiles his head might fall off. 

"The apartments are great, I think you'd like them," Jake leans into me with a sly smile, "and I hear the maintenance guy is super hot." he winks. 

I let out a soft giggle, "Seems like quite the amenity." 

"I can show them to you once they're vacant, or you can stop by my place one night, my layout is the same as those." he continues, "I could make you dinner an..." he's abruptly cut off by Brooks and his broodiness. 

"Lucy's place is open," he says his voice tense and quiet. 

Jake and I both turn to him quickly, "Excuse me?" I say irritated by the interruption. 

He looks at me right in the eyes, but his expression doesn't match the tightness of his voice, the hazel in his eyes looks gentle, "Lucy's house. Right across the street, I bought it with this place, it's been kept up but empty." 

"Seriously?" I ask, trying to examine him, wondering whether or not he's fucking with me. 

"Yeah. Seriously." his face softens as if he's sending me the signal that he's not got some evil plan up his sleeve, "It'd be convenient for you to be close is why I mentioned it." and his gaze moves from mine and I watch as the mask falls back into place over his expressions. 

It's almost mesmerizing the way he shifts back into stone. Maybe he's secretly a vampire, don't they turn to stone when they see the sun or something? Regardless, it's as if he's inhuman, untouchable and then he looks at me with those soft eyes and I see it all, buried under the surface. It feels sad and intriguing but like a walking red flag waiting to smack me in the head. I should know, I'm still recovering from the last time it did. 

As much as I want to continue to flirt with Jake in front of him while he squirms I also know that he is right and the logical decision would be to take him up on his offer. Being this close to The Graveyard is something that would make my life so much easier so I swallow my pride. "That'd be great I'd love to take a look." 

He nods, "I'll drop off a key tomorrow." then he excuses himself and walks out the door followed by Jake, "Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me," he smiles once again as I wave and they both disappear into the flurries of snow. 

Before I get the chance to regroup my phone buzzes in my back pocket, I open the screen and Quinn's flustered face is all I can see as I walk back to my little makeshift office for some privacy.

"Hi, sugar pie. What's going on?" I ask her. 

"Don't you sugar pie me," she growls.

"Okay, scary Quinn put the daggers away. What's got you so worked up?" I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing. 

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