Chapter 36

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Sydney's POV

The rest of my week I felt rested and rejuvenated after my two shots of tequila and friendly hang out with Jake. He let me go on and on about my life in North Carolina, laughed at all of my jokes because I'm hilarious, obviously, and graciously let me pay for the tab because I practically begged him to. 

The following morning I woke up to a text from him that said, "Thanks for last night." 

To which I responded with, "Thanks for being a friend," because as much fun as I had, a friend is really all I have the capacity for and I don't want to be an asshole and lead him on. No bueno.

It was nice to give myself some time to wallow and be sad because apparently, it's only when we deal with shit that we can actually get over it...or so the self-development podcast said that I turned on while walking on my Mom's treadmill in the basement the other day. 

I decided to take up some form of exercise to burn off all the sexual tension in my body because responsible Sydney isn't going to go out and scratch that itch with someone else. Quinn on the other hand thought it was like she finally spotted a real-life unicorn when she called me mid-workout. Exercise had not been a usual thing to catch me doing, hiking, or shaking my ass on the dance floor, yes- and both great forms of movemnt, willingly climbing onto a treadmill, not so much. But it does make me feel better and way less angsty plus I haven't had any more dreams know who so apparently it's working. 

Early Friday morning I came down to the table as my parents were finishing breakfast. I grabbed a cup of coffee and decided to join them. I knew the guys had been busy finishing the bathroom floor, hanging drywall, mudding, sanding, and mudding and sanding. I told them I would come in today and sweep up the drywall dust so it would be ready for the painters on Monday but I had some time.

"Morning sweetie," Mom says weakly, these last few treatments have started taking a toll on her and we are grateful that she is finally finished. We meet with the doctors next week to figure out the next steps. 

"Goooood Morning parents," I smile at them and they both look at me suspiciously. 

"What's with the faces?" I point at them. 

"Sydney, blink twice if you're in there." My Dad says with a weary panic in his voice. 

I roll my eyes, "What is the matter with you?" I laugh. 

Then mom starts in, "Sydney, Sydney, my sweet baby girl Sydney, did you hit your head? How many fingers am I holding up," as she holds up two fingers. 

I glare at both of them, "And everyone says I'm the dramatic one in this family...Can't a girl just be in a good mood?" 

"Yes, but you aren't usually so chipper first thing in the morning." Dad chuckles, "What's going on kiddo?" 

"Well...I found a house to rent." I squinch my face up in an obnoxious face of excitement.

I see both of their eyes fall and I brace myself for disappointment, but it's more like caution. Dad drills me about what house, how much and if I can afford it. Mom asks questions about furniture, appliances and the size of the kitchen. But all in all they were happy for me and had a little twinkle in their eyes everytime I mentioned Brooks's name in the matter. They have always been Team Brydney, but I wanted to make very sure they understood that was NOT what was happening here. 

"And just to clairfy once more for everyone, Brooks and I are JUST.FRIENDS." I say once more before heading out the door to work. 

As they both nod their heads, while saying, "Yes honey," and "of course," with a look of bullshit on their face. 

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