Chapter 33

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Sydney's POV

After a long day of Zoom calls with DD Corp's designer, I feel like we have a much better understanding of the vibe we are going for. She gave me a list of things to decide on and said that she had sent samples over to Brooks for us to go over, YAY. 

Luckily there wasn't much physical labor for me to assist with today so I held up in my office most of the afternoon and once Phil came back to tell me they were leaving I decided it was time for me to come out from my little cave. 

There was probably a permanent ass print in this chair for how long I had sat in it and my legs nearly forgot how to move but eventually, I made it out to the front, noticing the bigger mess that had become of the bathroom and the prep that they had done to get ready for the painters and the faux brick wall that will be going up behind the coffee bar and register counter. It gave me butterflies to watch it all come together. 

I noticed the baked goods Brooks had delivered this morning as well as my gas station donuts still strung out across the table so I huffed and puffed my way over to the table, irritated that he brought all this shit in, and yet here I am cleaning it all up. 

As I gathered the half-empty containers and tossed away the empty cups, the label of one of the donut boxes grabbed my attention, Twisted Sugar was printed on the side, and one of the bakeries I had a meeting set with to talk about stocking some of their products. Hmm. I shrugged it off. Must of been a coincidence. 

But then, I flipped over the muffin container that said, Sourdough Social, another one of the bakeries from my list, as my suspicion grew I found the quiche container I had already thrown away, and The Crimped Crust was printed on it. The pie place I had already met with. 

All three of the bakeries that I had an interest in showcasing baked goods from were the places Brooks had gotten these. The hair on the back of my neck stood on couldn't be right? 

He wouldn't, would he? 

Could it all be a big coincidence or did he really go to all of these places to try out what they had to offer? I seems almost, and I mean ALMOST, like a sweet thing to do. But why in the fuck would Brooks Dawson, do anything sweet for me? It's for the business Sydney, my mind tells me, but there's something there underneath it all that just doesn't make sense.

 Irritated now by the confusion rather than the mess...I pull out my phone and open it up to Brooks's contact info, that I've changed the name to Boss Man because having his number in my phone again triggers the fuck out of me, I hold my finger over the call button and hesitate, I come close to pressing it only to pull it away. 

Let it go Sydney. If he wanted you to know why he did it, he would have said something but he didn't so LET. IT.GO. I hear the voice in my head command. But that's the thing about me, I'm not so good at listening to commands, I'm also not good at letting shit go so I press down on the button and let the phone ring, and ring, and hands start sweating, regretting my decision to be so bold when dread fills my ears the minute her voice fills the speaker. 

"Brooks's phone. His FIANCEE speaking," she enunciates, "Can I take a message?" 

I feel my back teeth clench together and I want nothing more than to hang up but I'm not about to let HER of all people get the best of me so instead I answer in the fakest kind voice I can muster up, "Hi. Fiancee, it's Sydney, you know Sydney Graves? I had a question for Brooks about the baked goods he brought to the job site this morning but you know what, I'll just see him tomorrow," I chime, "Have a good night!" I hang up before she can get another word in but I swear I hear a muttered, bitch on the other end of the line before it goes dead. 

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