Chapter 29

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Sydney's POV 

I've never been so tired in my life. 

Every muscle in my body is tense and sore, so fucking sore. I have blisters on my hands and bruises covering my body. For the last three days, I've done more manual labor than I had ever intended to do in my life but I can't say I hate it. 

Smashing the plaster walls that needed to be replaced, scraping tile off the floor, and shoveling the debris that covered every surface after all the destruction was complete. I kept up with the guys the best I could even though I knew they were all trying their best to give me the easy jobs, I think they appreciated my help and the coffee and donuts every morning. 

Each night I've hung around after they have left to visualize what this place will look like when it's all done and it makes me appreciate being a part of the process from the beginning.   

I haven't seen Brooks since Monday, I know he's called to check in because I heard Phil on the phone with him multiple times but ever since he huffed and puffed his way out of here after throwing a hammer into the plaster he hasn't shown his face. I can't say that I'm upset about it because his face had me a little too worked up for my liking. The way he whispered in that gravelly tone, "Dirty enough for you, Graves"  I couldn't decide if I wanted to slap him or...well, I'm not even going to think about the other ideas that ran through my mind. 

I'm wandering around imagining the colors on the walls, people filling the seats, and the soft music that will be playing in the background, as I make sure the lights are off and clean up any trash left behind by the guys today. Just as I come around the corner I hear a deep, "Hello?" coming from the door. I spoke too soon, I think to myself as I huff a breath and continue into the main space.

"Yeah, I'm here!" I shout louder than necessary as I see Brooks enter the bare room holding a take-out sack from The Tavern. The smell of it makes my stomach rumble. My body reminds me that it's not only tired, it's starving. 

He rolls his eyes, " I can see that." 

"Just making sure you didn't mistake me for an intruder." I shrug with a sarcastic grin. 

"I wanted to stop in and see how it was coming. Looks like you guys have gotten a lot done." he nods as he looks around to the empty room. 

"The guys have been doing great," I reassure him placing my hands on the hips of my filthy bibs.

"Well, you've sure impressed them, Phil is ready to put you on the payroll," Brooks says with genuine certainty. 

"Really?" The compliment makes me blush and I decide I can put my defensiveness away for a time, he seems to come in peace. 

"Yeah. You've impressed them. Mind if I look around?" 

"No. Not at all, I mean you do own the place," I laugh, then hesitate before continuing, " I can show you and maybe tell you some more about the ideas that I have?" 

He clears his throat and nods, "That'd be great." He looks down at his food bag and then around the room as if questioning where to put it.

"Sorry, you can go ahead and eat so your food doesn't get cold." 

He looks at the bag again and then back at me, "You want some?" Just as my stomach growls loud enough for both of us to hear. 

"Whatcha got?"

"Burger and fries." Brooks rolls his eyes. 

"I wouldn't turn down a fry or two." I plop down on the dirty ass floor, laughing to myself at the fact that he is in a suit, "You really need to dress better for a construction site." 

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